Hic index electronice confectus est nominaque ita praebet ut in libris inveniuntur. Qua re variae eiusdem nominis formae non semper eodem loco stabunt; e. g. "Eobanum Hessum" tam sub voce "Eobanus" quam sub voce "Hessus" requirere necesse erit.
Indicantur autem (si quae inveniuntur)
nomina hominum,
nomina mythologica,
nomina gentium,
nomina locorum,
nomina sacra et ecclesiastica,
nomina societatum collegiorumque.
Nota bene: Iuncturis "HTML-text" non ipsum verbum adiri potest, sed pagina, in qua inveniatur. Ipsum vero verbum facile invenietur inter ea, quae in sequentibus paragraphis linea subdita insigniuntur.

This is an electronically generated index. It shows every name as it appears in the text, which means that various forms of the same name do not always stand together. The name "Eobanus Hessus", for instance, may be listed under "Eobanus" as well as under "Hessus", depending on the forms found in the text.
The entries are classified as either
personal names,
mythological names,
names of nations and tribes,
geographical names,
biblical and ecclesiastical names,
or names of institutions.
Please note: The links "HTML-text" will lead you not to the word itself, but to the page (or double-page) that contains the word. The word itself will be one of the highlighted terms following the page anchor.

Nomina hominum:

Nomina mythologica:
Venus reference: Paphiae molle cubile Deae s050 HTML-Text

Nomina gentium:

Nomina locorum:

Nomina sacra et ecclesiastica:

Nomina collegiorum societatumque:

Nomina incerta: