Eine Frau in dunkelrotem Jackett sitzt an einem Schreibtisch und schaut sich ein Prospekt an, das eine andere Person ihr reicht.

Contacts for Your Visa Application

When you apply for a visa, you will usually be asked to name a contact person at the University of Mannheim.
If you are an exchange student, please enter the following data:

  • Last name: Kindinger
  • First name: Nadja
  • Street: L1
  • House number: 1
  • ZIP code 68131
  • City: Mannheim
  • Country: Germany
  • Phone: + 49 621 181-1153 (available via telephone on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as well as every two weeks on Thursdays)
  • E-mail: kindingermail-uni-mannheim.de

You only need to fill in fields marked with an * in the visa application.

Nadja Kindinger

Nadja Kindinger (she/her)

Team Lead International Exchange Students
University of Mannheim
Division II – Student Affairs
International Office
L 1, 1 – Room 110
68161 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 181-1153
Fax: +49 621 181-1161
E-mail: kindingermail-uni-mannheim.de
Office hours:
Working from home every Monday and Friday as well as Thursday in even calendar weeks; on these days you can reach me via email only.