Your time in Mannheim is coming to an end. There a number of things to do before you leave Germany and return home. Here, you will find a list of things you need to do before you leave.
As soon as you have been disenrolled from your program, you are no longer a student of the University of Mannheim. Please submit your disenrollment request online in Portal2 > My services> Requests > Disenrollment and take note of the information on how to submit a request published there. You will receive a confirmation of disenrollment for your files.
If you need a confirmation of disenrollment, please send an e-mail bearing the subject “Confirmation of disenrollment” and indicating your student ID number to the Express-Service. You can only de-register once you have returned all media and do not owe the library any fees.
Please note: After you have disenrolled, you will still have access to Portal² for 365 days and to your university e-mail address for 75 days.
When should I disenroll?
- Double degree students: Please ask your double degree coordinator when you may disenroll.
- Exchange students from EU countries: Please disenroll after your last examination.
- Exchange students from countries outside of the EU: Please keep in mind that your visa/
German residence permit becomes invalid on the day of your disenrollment. That means that, if you are planning to stay in Germany or Europe after your last examination, you should only disenroll on the day you are going to leave Europe. However, please note that you must disenroll by 31 January (for the fall semester) and 31 July (for the spring semester) at the latest.
De-registration at the residents’ registration office at your place of residence
You have to de-register as a resident of the respective town or city where you lived in Germany. Most students have found housing in Mannheim and thus have to de-register at the residents’ registration office of the city of Mannheim, which is located in K7. You do not need an appointment for de-registration. You can de-register in person or via e-mail. For electronic de-registration, please send an e-mail to: buergerservice.mitte and attach the following documents:
- a scan of your passport,
- the complete form for de-registration from the residents’ registration office in Mannheim, signed.
If you are member of a German health insurance, please ask the residents’ registration office for a confirmation of your de-registration. This confirmation has to be submitted to your German health insurance provider in order to terminate the membership.
Terminating your health insurance membership
If you are member of a German health insurance, please send the following documents to your health insurance provider in order to terminate your membership:
- your confirmation of disenrollment from the University of Mannheim,
- your confirmation of de-registration of residency by the residents’ registration office (see above).
Double degree students: Please ask your double degree coordinator when you can cancel your health insurance.
De-registration at the foreigners’ office
If you had to open up a blocked account in order to obtain your visa or German residence permit, you can have this account closed at the foreigners’ office. In order to close the blocked account you have to obtain the consent of the competent foreigners’ office (in Mannheim in K7).
Students who did not open a blocked account do not need to de-register at the foreigners’ office. The residents’ registration office will inform the foreigner’s office of their de-registration.
De-registration from the public broadcasting license fee (ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice)
Before you leave Mannheim, make sure to not only de-register with the Bürgeramt, but also with the Beitragsservice, the institution responsible for collecting the public broadcasting license fee (Rundfunkbeitrag). You can easily de-register with the Beitragsservice by using the online form. Below, you will find instructions on filling out the form.
In order to prove that you are leaving Germany, you can simply upload a scan of the confirmation of your de-registration with the Bürgeramt.
After de-registration with the Beitragsservice you will receive a confirmation via mail.
Moving out of student housing
Students who have been allocated a room in a residence hall via the International Office must arrange the time and date for moving out with the housing administration via the website of the Studierendenwerk.
Transcript of Records and ECTS
You need the Transcript of Records to have your credits obtained in Mannheim recognized by your home institution. This document contains the courses you attended, the respective grades you obtained, and the corresponding number of ECTS credits.
Up to 365 days after your disenrollment, you can check for yourself whether all your grades have been entered in Portal². You can then request your verifiable Transcript of Records or corrections via the Mobility-Online workflow. After your verifiable transcript has been created, you will be notified that you can download your transcript in Portal². Please forward the transcript together with the verification link to your home institution. They will verify your grades using the verification link provided at the end of the document.
The course International Summer/
Winter Academy (ISA/IWA) will not be listed on your transcript. After successful completion of the International Summer-/Winter Academy (ISA/IWA), participants will receive a certificate directly from the responsible organization. If your home institution does not accept this certificate, please contact the German as a Foreign Language department at the Service and Marketing GmbH. Double degree students: You will receive your transcript directly from the Student Services.
What are ECTS credits?
Within the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), courses are given a certain number of credits reflecting the amount of work a course requires. If you have successfully completed a course, you will obtain the indicated number of credits. You do not obtain any ECTS credits for classes or examinations that you failed or did not attend. However, these courses are still listed in your transcript.