
Preparatory service for teachers at secondary schools

A master’s degree in Teacher Education and a master’s degree in Economic and Business Education pave the way to the preparatory service for becoming a teacher at a certain type of public secondary school.

For the preparatory service, you are at a permanent partner school (Ausbildungsschule) and at one of the state seminars for training and in-service training of teachers (Staatliche Seminare für Ausbildung und Fortbildung der Lehrkräfte (Gymnasien oder Berufliche Schulen) in Baden-Württemberg. The duration of the preparatory service is 18 months, from January until July of the following year (three semesters of school).

Please note: If you complete the preparatory service in Baden-Württemberg and pass the second state examination, you are generally eligible to apply for teaching positions in other German Länder. The administration of the individual Ministries of Education and Cultural Affairs is responsible for the requirements and certain restrictions might apply.

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