Each row represents one window. Columns: 1) Robustness: The estimated position is changed after x windows in sequence are classified as the same position 2) WindowsFilter: true: use only windows where all frames are "FALL" or all frames are "ADL" but not windows with mixed frames false: use all windows xxx: use all windows 3) Dataset: (2=MMSys, 3=UMA) 4) Subject ID: --> 2XXX Dateset ID (2=MMSys, 3=UMA, 4=MiBShar, 5=SisFall) --> XX01 Subject number 5) Window ID: Starting time of the window in milli seconds used as ID 7) RealPosition: Actual position of the sensor in this window 8) ClassifiedPosition: Position that is assumed to be the current position. Changes only when multiple windows in sequence (see robustness) are classified as the same null --> not defined in the beginning of a trace 9) Guess: Classified position by the random forest classifier for positioning