Photograph of the Mannheim Palace, Ehrenhof

Application for Participation

The SMiP Summer School invites applications for participation from doctoral and early-stage researchers in psychology with a strong interest in quantitative methods and statistical modeling.

Terms and Conditions

As the summer school is part of the DFG funded training program “Statistical Modeling in Psychology” (SMiP), participation is free for current members of the SMiP program. Members of the associated training programs IOPS and CDSS can participate for a reduced fee. The fees are:

  • Full participation fee: 200€ (All participants not currently enrolled in SMiP, IOPS or CDSS)
  • Reduced fee: 75€ (Current members of IOPS and CDSS)

The fees cover participation in the summer school, including attendance of a parallel workshop and all plenary sessions, as well as the catering at the opening session and poster session.

Participants are expected to make their own hotel reservations and to cover their costs for traveling and accommodation. They are encouraged to claim reimbursement from their home institutions where possible and appropriate.

Application Procedure

Applications for participation have to be submitted through the application form and must include

  • a curriculum vitae, and
  • a letter of motivation for your participation in the summer school (max. 1 page).

As participants are invited to present a poster on a research project that is thematically related to the summer school, a tentative poster title can be named in the application form.

The deadline for applications is 30 March, 2025. The organizing team of the summer school will review the applications with respect to their fit to the summer school and the chosen workshops. Applicants will be informed of the decision by 30 April, 2025.