Lukas Schumacher, M.Sc.

Lukas Schumacher, M.Sc.

Heidelberg University
Psychological Institute
Hauptstrasse 47–51
69117 Heidelberg

Primary Advisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Voss (Heidelberg University)

Additional Supervisors:  Prof. Dr. Christoph Klauer, Prof. Dr. Rolf Ulrich

Dissertation Proposal:  Dynamic models in cognition

  • Research Areas

    • Value-based decision-making
    • Mathematical modeling of cognitive processes
    • Reinforcement learning models
    • Evidence accumulation models
    • Bayesian statistics
  • Publications

    Schumacher, L., Bürkner, P.-C., Voss, A., Köthe, U., & Radev, S. T. (2023). Neural superstatistics for Bayesian esti-
    mation of dynamic cognitive models. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 13778.

    Radev, S. T., Schmitt, M., Schumacher, L., Elsemüller, L., Pratz, V., Schälte, Y., Köthe, U., & Bürkner, P.-C. (2023).
    Bayesflow: Amortized bayesian workflows with neural networks. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(89), 5702.

    Schumacher, L., & Voss, A., (2023). Duration discrimination: A diffusion decision modeling approach. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics85(2), 560–577.

  • Talks

    Schumacher, L., Radev, S.T., Voss, A., (2021). Reinforcement learning evidence accumulation models for multi-alternative decision-making [Talk]. 15th Conference of the Section Methods & Evaluation of the German Psychological Society, Mannheim, Germany (online).

    Schumacher, L., Voss, A., Köthe, U., Radev, S.T., (2022). A Neural Bayesian Method for Estimating Complex Dynamic Models of Cognition [Talk]. Meeting of the European Mathematical Psychology Group, Rovereto, Italy.

    Schumacher, L., Bürkner, P.-C., Voss, A., Köthe, U., Radev, S.T., (2023). Neural Superstatistics: A Bayesian Method for Estimating Dynamic Models of Cognition [Talk]. 65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP, Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen), Trier, Germany.

  • Posters

    Schumacher, L., Ellis, A., Mast, F., (2019). Decision-making based on self-motion perception: A drift diffusion modelling approach to the speed-accuracy tradeoff [Poster presentation]. Model-based Neuroscience Summer School, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    Schumacher, L., Ellis, A., Mast, F., (2019). Decision-making based on self-motion perception: A drift diffusion modelling approach to the speed-accuracy tradeoff [Poster presentation]. Sackler’s colloquium, “Brain produces mind by modeling”, Irvine, California.

    Schumacher, L., Radev, S.T., Voss, A., (2022). Understanding learning during multi-alternative decision-making [Poster presentation]. 5th EADM Summer School on Learning and Decision Making, Barcelona, Spain.