SM 451: Seminar Ethical AI (HWS 2023)

The seminar reflects on ethical requirements of AI applications. The seminar is for BSc students only.

Course language: in case all participants speak German, the seminar will be held in German, otherwise, the language will be English.


  • This seminar is organized by Prof. Dr. Heiko Paulheim.
  • Available for BSc students (2 SWS, 5 ECTS).
  • Prerequisites: There are no formal requirements, but students should have basic knowledge of and interest in Artificial Intelligence.


In this seminar, you will

  • Read, understand, and explore technical and scientific literature, as well as literature on ethical standards
  • Write a short exposé and a concise report (10 single-column pages + references)
  • Give an oral presentations (20 minutes)
  • Review reports of a fellow students


  • Register as described below.
  • Attend the kickoff meeting on Monday, September 11th, 13:45
  • Pick a set of topics until Friday, September 13th
  • Prepare a presentation and present during a slot in the scheminar schedule assigned to you.
    • Presentations are on Mondays, 13:45–16:15, room C 301 (B 6, 27–29, building part C).
    • Presentation dates: 9.10. and 16.10.
  • Prepare and submit a final report until Friday, December 22nd


Register via Portal 2.

If you are accepted into the seminar, provide at least 4 topic areas ranked by your preference by Sep 13 via email to Bianca Lermer.

Topic areas and topics

The goal of the seminar is to analyze a particular application of AI technology along ethical guidelines.

To this end, you will

  1. Pick an application area.
  2. Find commercial solutions and/or research prototypes in this area.
  3. Analyze them along given ethical evaluation frameworks.

In the presentation and report, you should

  1. describe the application area (this should be about 1/3)
  2. explain your findings regarding relevant ethical issues (this should be about 2/3)

The following links may help you identify potential application areas:

Relevant ethical guidelines: