Lernen. Wissen. Daten. Analysen. (LWDA 2018)
August 22–24, Mannheim
Welcome to the website of the LDWA 2018 conference, hosted by the Data and Web Science group of the University of Mannheim on 22–24 August 2018.
LWDA, which expands to “Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen” (“Learning, Knowledge, Data, Analytics”), covers recent research in areas such as knowledge discovery, machine learning & data mining, knowledge management, database management & information systems, information retrieval.
The LWDA conference is organized by and brings together the various special interest groups of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Computer Science Society) in this area. The program comprises of joint research sessions and keynotes as well as of workshops organized by each special interest group.
This year, we are happy to announce the following five workshops:
- Workshop on „Information Retrieval“ (FGIR 2018)
- Workshop on „Knowledge Management“ (FGWM 2018)
- Workshop on „Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning“ (KDML 2018)
- Workshop on „Business Intelligence“ (WSBI 2018)
- Workshop on „Large-Scale Data Management and Processing – Applications in Research and Industry“ (FGDB 2018)
Quick links:
- Watch videos of LWDA 2018 presentations and browse the LWDA 2018 photos.
- Read the proceedings.
- Read the conference program.
- Download the LDWA 2018 Poster.