On the whole, the university campus is a safe environment. Nevertheless, unforeseen events can always occur in public spaces.
In cases of emergency, please call the police immediately by dialing: 110
For the fire department and/
Emergency number within the university: 1110 (Reception Desk)
The page Medical Emergencies provides information on who to call in cases of sudden medical conditions.
On the page Coronavirus: Current Measures and Recommendations, you will find up-to-date information on the University's recommendations and rules for students, employees and visitors during the coronavirus pandemic.
The women's night taxi service (FrauenNachtTaxi/FNT) runs all year round between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. every day. It is available for all women over the age of 14. The price you have to pay per trip is the price shown on the taximeter minus EUR 6. Since 3 January 2022 you have to register in advance as a user of the FNT at the citizen portal of the city of Mannheim (in German).
At the beginning of a ride, you must log in to the mobile FNT website with your email address and password. Your ride must start in the Mannheim city area, but you can have all destinations served. When calling a taxi, please state that you would like to order a FrauenNachtTaxi, as not all cab drivers participate in the project.
Partner companies
Please click here for further information on the FrauenNachtTaxi service.
Please report any technical malfunctions, for example broken lights on campus, to the Reception Desk in the Schloss, main entrance of the university (call: +49 621 181-1110), or to Division III of the University of Mannheim by using this online form (in German).
You can use the same online form to report any unlit walkways, missing lights or any places on campus where you do not feel comfortable to Division III of the University of Mannheim.
In case you notice broken street lights outside of campus, please refer to the telephone service of MVV Energie, which is free of charge: +49 800 290-1000.