Job Opportunities

Graduates of the University of Mannheim are highly hireable by companies and organizations. This is confirmed by our alumni and the Wirtschaftswoche survey in personnel departments.

Survey among former students

It is part of the University of Mannheim’s identity, to monitor, improve, and further develop the study conditions and the professional opportunities of our students. About one-and-a-half to two-years after they have left the university, we ask our graduates about their program, the contents, and their professional development. In the meantime, the survey among the graduates of 2016, 2017, and 2018 has been completed and we have compiled the results.

For more results, please see the short summary:

Top positions in the Wirtschaftswoche survey among graduates

Since 2002, graduates of the University of Mannheim have been among the top candidates of human resources managers. In the Wirtschaftswoche higher education ranking of May 2019, for example, graduates of the Business Administration programs of the University of Mannheim were ranked number one by the recruiters in the survey. This puts graduates of the program at the top of the ranking for the 15th time since 2002. Graduates of the programs in Economics (second place) and Business Informatics (third place) were also able to convince the jury.

The Wirtschaftswoche has commissioned the consulting company Universum to conduct a survey among small, medium-sized, and large companies to ask human resources managers about their favorite universities to recruit from. The survey looks at whether graduates have experience in project work, whether they complete modules in more than one language, and whether they are familiar with the problems in their sector and are aware of possible solutions, among other things.

Go to the WirtschaftsWoche ranking

Notable alumni

Many graduates of the University of Mannheim work in leading positions today. Their time at the University of Mannheim was an important step in their career.

Christian Siewek trägt eine schwarze runde Brille und ein lockeres Hemd. Das Foto ist schwarz-weiß.

I think Mannheim helped me to become what I am today. I’ve noticed that I tend to check the name of the university first, when receiving applications. I would like to be more open-minded, but Mannheim students have a strong work ethic and are creative. They just are good candidates.

Christian Siewek, Managing Director Vimcar GMbH / Credit: Vimcar
Lea-Sophie Cramer trägt blondes schulterlanges Haar, eine gestreifte Bluse und eine schwarze Hose. Sie sitzt auf einem grauen Sessel vor einer türkisfarbenen Steinwand.

We were the first class of the bachelor’s program in Business Administration at the University of Mannheim. This was a very special time. The program was not always easy but my fellow students, the contents, and the professors really inspired me. I really love to think about my time at the Schloss and the Quadrate.

Lea-Sophie Cramer, grounder and member of the advisory board of Amorelie / Credit: Bruno Schlenker
Simon Müller trägt kurzes blondes Haar und ein dunkelblaues Jackett über einem weißen Hemd. Hinter ihm ist eine Glasfront zu sehen.

I chose Mannheim because I wanted to learn from the best and it really was this way. I got to know many extremely intelligent and inspiring people with whom I have formed deep friendships.

Simon Müller, Director (Tech/Strat/Ops) Boston Consulting Group / Credit: George Lok
Bruno Sälzer sitzt in einem dunkelgrauen Raum. Er trägt einen schwarzen Anzug. Sein linker Arm lehnt auf einem schwarzen Sofa.

Without a solid background in Business Administration, you will not be able to lead a company. But if you study as long at the University of Mannheim as I did, that’s no problem.

Bruno Sälzer, Member of the Board of Directors at Zino Davidoff SA, former CEO of HUGO BOSS / Credit: Andreas Müller