Doctoral Students at the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics

Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important as a future-oriented subject in research. In their dissertations, doctoral students from the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics at the University of Mannheim are investigating the many aspects of AI and the effects it has on our living environment. Six of them are presenting their dissertation topics on AI for this edition of FORUM.

Felix Benning

Topic/title: Optimization on Random Functions as a Model for Optimization in Machine Learning
Summary: Machine learning looks for the model that best fits the existing data. To better understand this high-dimensional optimization problem, I am studying the behavior of optimization algorithms on random functions.

Michael Schlechtinger

Topic/title: Cartel Law Compliant AI
Summary: Nowadays, online stores often use AIs to set their prices. Could these AIs form cartels? And how could we detect and prevent it?

Siqi Qu

Topic/title: Equilibrium Seeking through the Lens of Dynamical Systems Theory
Summary: We aim to advance computational techniques for hierarchal optimization problems and games. Our methods will be applied to energy systems and computational imaging.

Jakob Kappenberger

Topic/title: Evaluating AI-Based Policies with Social Simulation
Summary: AI is increasingly being used in public spaces (for instance, as part of smart city schemes). I am using simulations to study the (possibly unintended) effects of this development.

Sara Klein

Topic/title: Stochastic Processes and Reinforcement Learning
Summary: Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms are used to train AIs like ChatGPT. My dissertation investigates the convergence of RL algorithms to establish theoretical guarantees for their application.

Lea Cohausz

Topic/title: Methods of Causal Discovery in AI
Summary: Why does an AI predict X instead of Y for Alice? What would you need to change for it to predict Y? I am developing methods to answer these questions.

Researched and edited by: Rheia Martiny/December 2023