Day 2: Thursday 23.8
9:00–10:00: Keynote 2 (A001)
10:00–10:30: Coffee Break (Foyer EG)
10:30–12:00: Parallel Sessions 1
FGDB (A302)
- Benedikt Kleppmann, Christian Bizer and Edwin Yaqub: Density- and Correlation-based Table Extension
- Peter K. Schwab, Julian O. Matschinske, Andreas M. Wahl and Klaus Meyer-Wegener: Towards Query-Driven Data Minimization
- Tanja Auge and Andreas Heuer: The Theory behind Minimizing Research Data: Result equivalent CHASE-inverse Mappings
FGIR (A103)
- Andreas Spitz and Michael Gertz: Exploring Implicit Entity Networks and Topics in Streams of News Articles.
- Goran Glavaš, Federico Nanni and Simone Paolo Ponzetto: Cross-Lingual Classification of Topics in Political Texts
- Kiril Gashteovski, Rainer Gemulla and Luciano del Corro: MinIE: Minimizing Facts in Open Information Extraction
- Robert Litschko, Goran Glavaš, Simone Paolo Ponzetto and Ivan Vulić: Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Using Monolingual Data Only
FGWM (A101)
- Lukas Malburg, Nicolas Münster, Christian Zeyen and Ralph Bergmann: Query Model and Similarity-Based Retrieval for Workflow Reuse in Digital Humanities
- Christian Zeyen and Ralph Bergmann: Towards an interactive Workflow Modeling Assistance by Means of CBR
- Miriam Herold and Mirjam Minor: Ontology-based representation of Workflows
- Christian Meilicke, Henrik Leopold, Elena Kuss, Heiner Stuckenschmidt and Hajo A. Reijers: Ensemble-based Process Model Matching
- Alireza Moradpour and Mirjam Minor: Online-Learning für die Analyse von Finanzmarktdaten
KDML (A104)
- Christian Bauckhage, Rafet Sifa, Stefan Wrobel and Cesar Ojeda: Adiabatic Quantum Computing for Kernel k=2 Means Clustering
- Erich Schubert, Sibylle Hess and Katharina Morik: The Relationship of DBSCAN to Matrix Factorization and Spectral Clustering
- Daniyal Kazempour and Thomas Seidl: Identifying Entangled Data Points on Iteration Trajectories of Clusterings
- Daniyal Kazempour, Andrian Mörtlbauer, Peer Kröger and Thomas Seidl: Mirror mirror on the wall, what is the fairest linear parameter space representation of all? On Representations of Linear Parameter Space in Context of Clustering
- Sibylle Hess, Nico Piatkowski and Katharina Morik: The Trustworthy Pal: Controlling the False Discovery Rate in Boolean Matrix Factorization
WSBI (A301)
- Julian Ereth: DataOps – Towards a Definition and Research Agenda
- Daniel Badura and Michael Schulz: Datenkompetenzen für die Massen – Muss Self-Service-Data-Mining scheitern?
- Vera Fleißner, Kai Heinrich and Michael Seifert: Towards an Open Book Architecture for Deep Learning Networks: Data Properties and Network Architectures – Evidence from Time Series Analytics
12:00–13:30: Lunch (Mensa)
13:30–14:30: Keynote 3 (A001)
14:30–16:00: Parallel Sessions 2
FGDB (A302)
- Marcus Paradies, Sirko Schindler, Stephan Kiemle and Eberhard Mikusch: Large-Scale Data Management for Earth Observation Data – Challenges and Opportunities
- Andreas M. Wahl, Richard Lenz and Peter K. Schwab: Minimally-Intrusive Augmentation of Data Science Workflows
- Michael Offel, Han van der Aa and Matthias Weidlich: Towards Net-based Formal Methods for Complex Event Processing
FGIR (A103)
- Michael Loster, Manuel Hegner, Felix Naumann and Ulf Leser: Dissecting Company Names using Sequence Labeling
- Amit Kumar Jaiswal, Guilherme Holdack, Ingo Frommholz and Haiming Liu: Quantum-like Generalization of Complex Word Embedding: a lightweight approach for textual classification
- Johanna Munkelt, Philipp Schaer and Klaus Lepsky: Towards an IR Test Collection for the German National Library
FGWM (A101)
- Melisachew Wudage Chekol, Giuseppe Pirrò, Joerg Schoenfisch and Heiner Stuckenschmidt: Marrying Uncertainty and Time in Knowledge Graphs
- Michael Kohlhase: Towards Contexts Graphs for Argumentation Logics
- Viktor Eisenstadt and Klaus-Dieter Althoff: A Preliminary Survey of Explanation Facilities of AI-Based Design Support Approaches and Tools
- Jakob Michael Schoenborn and Klaus-Dieter Althoff: Using case-based explanations as a knowledge foundation
- Fabian Burzlaff: Next Steps in Knowledge Driven Architecture Composition
KDML (A104)
- Daniel Lückehe, Nicole Mühlpforte, Alfred Effenberg and Gabriele von Voigt: Multi-Stage Deep Learning for Context-Free Handwriting Recognition
- Aleksandar Bojchevski, Oleksandr Shchur, Daniel Zügner and Stephan Günnemann: NetGAN: Generating Graphs via Random Walks
- Yanjie Wang, Rainer Gemulla and Hui Li: On Multi-Relational Link Prediction with Bilinear Models
- Nico Piatkowski and Katharina Morik: Fast Stochastic Quadrature for Approximate Maximum-Likelihood Estimation
- Christian Bauckhage, Rafet Sifa, Stefan Wrobel and Jannis Schücker: Informed Machine Learning Through Functional Composition
WSBI (A301)
- Invited talk. Dr. Ralf Finger: Forensische Datenanalyse in der Praxis – Unentdeckte Muster in komplexen Datenstrukturen finden und betrügerische Aktivitäten aufdecken
16:00–16:30: Coffee Break (Foyer EG)
16:30–18:00: Community Meetings (A101, A103, A104, A301, A302)
- Fachgruppe Datenbanksysteme (A302)
- Fachgruppe Information Retrieval (A103)
- Fachgruppe Wissensmanagement (A101)
- Fachgruppe Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining und Maschinelles Lernen (A104)
- Fachgruppe Business Intelligence (A301)
19:00: Conference Dinner (Rheinterrassen)
The conference dinner takes place at
H+K Rheinterrassen GmbH
Das Gasthaus am Fluss
Rheinpromenade 15
68163 Mannheim
Information on how to get there can be found at