Financial shocks in the Corona crisis (Schock-Co)
Stressors and strains, coping strategies and resources, and social policy measures
The Corona pandemic and its combats lead to severe cuts in social and economic life. As a result, many people potentially experience financial difficulties. This is especially true for vulnerable groups who were already living in precarious financial circumstances before the Corona crisis and those who are particularly hard hit by the economic consequences of the crisis. However, financial worries and fears can also arise among people who are not or less affected. The project focuses on the research question of how people in Germany cope with the resulting financial shocks against a background of high uncertainty and complexity.
While there are already several studies on the general psychological and social consequences of the Corona crisis and the economic impact, there is hardly any evidence yet on how the financial challenges affect those affected and what the medium- to long-term consequences are. Reliable findings on this aspect are of great scientific interest and are also necessary in order to derive needs for action in social policy and related policy areas.
The project addresses three specific research complexes: (I) Financial stressors and strains in the Corona crisis and their effects; (II) Strategies and resources to cope with financial stressors and strains; (III) Effective and sustainable social and educational policy measures to mitigate financial stressors and strains and to promote coping strategies and resources.
With the help of two complementary empirical studies (survey and diary study), in-depth insights into the complex interplay of economic and psychological factors in connection with corona-related financial stress and strain as well as their coping should be gained and socio-political recommendations for action derived.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) within the framework of the Funding Network for Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research (FIS).
Project duration: 09/
Project team
- Prof. Dr. Carmela Aprea
- Prof. Dr. Tabea Bucher-Koenen
- Marius Cziriak
- Max Lohner
Cooperation partners
Dr. Donya Gilan, Dr. Omar Hahad; Prof. Dr. Klaus Lieb (Leibniz-Institut für Resilienzforschung)
Project advisory group
Ines Moers (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung e.V.); Dr. Robert Hänel (Verband Insolvenzverwalter Deutschlands e.V.); Dr. Andreas Lutz Verband der Gründer und Selbstständigen Deutschland e.V.); Marcus Pohl (Interessengemeinschaft der selbständigen DienstleisterInnen in der Veranstaltungswirtschaft e.V.); Jutta Rüdlin (Verband Insolvenzverwalter Deutschlands e.V.).