Eine Studentin mit Sehbehinderung sitzt in einem Vorlesungssal an ihrem Laptop mit Braillezeile

Digital Accessibility

Our goal is to enable equal participation

Accessibility does not stop with a wheelchair ramp in front of a building. In order to enable equal participation in society for people with a disability, the Internet as a frequently used public space needs to be accessible for everyone.

The University of Mannheim is continuously working to eliminate accessibility barriers on their website and digital services. Our goal is to enable everyone to navigate our content independently and without restrictions.

Advice for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses

You are looking for information on studying with a disability? You have questions about disadvantage compensations for examinations?

Information on studying with a disability


Alexa Knapp, M.A.

Alexa Knapp, M.A. (sie/ihr)

Editor with a focus on web accessibility
University of Mannheim
Rektorat, Abteilung Marketing
Schloss Ostflügel
68161 Mannheim