Eine Dozierende steht vor einer Tafel in einem Seminarraum. Vor ihr sitzen Studierende und hören ihr zu. Sie erklärt ihnen etwas.

Tag der Lehre

Each year, the Teaching and Learning Center, in collaboration with the University Library and the University IT, organizes the Tag der Lehre. In addition to keynote speeches from the field of educational development and panel discussions on current developments in academic teaching, the Tag der Lehre offers teachers at the University of Mannheim an ideal opportunity to introduce their innovative teaching methods and formats to an interested specialist audience.

In addition, the Baden-Württemberg Certificates for Teaching and Learning at University Level are awarded each year on the occasion of the Tag der Lehre.

Tag der Lehre 2024


Anne Scheuing, M.A.

Anne Scheuing, M.A. (she/her)

Educational Development & PePP
University of Mannheim
Teaching and Learning Center
Schloss – Room ZEO 095
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
donnerstags von 9:30–10:30 per Teams, Telefon oder nach Vorabanmeldung gerne auch vor Ort
Melanie Klinger

Melanie Klinger

Head of Teaching and Learning Center
University of Mannheim
Teaching and Learning Center
Schloss – Room EO 187
68161 Mannheim