Das Mannheimer Barockschloss und der Ehrenhof unter blauem Himmel.

The Corporate Design of the University of Mannheim

The corporate design is the visual identity of the University of Mannheim. It finds its implementation in all communications of the university, including websites, brochures, letterheads, and presentations. A consistent and distinct visual appearance makes the University of Mannheim a strong global brand.

Please note: According to the decision of the President’s Office from 20 November 2019, the Corporate Manual is binding for all institutions and employees of the University of Mannheim. The document of this decision can only be viewed within the university network.

The following pages provide you with templates and information on frequently requested media, office equipment, as well as seals and logos.

The University of Mannheim Brand
Using the Corporate Design
Templates and Office Equipment


Mirko Müller

Mirko Müller

Brand Manager
University of Mannheim
President's Office
Schloss Ostfügel
68161 Mannheim