Decarbonization Seminar
The Decarbonization Seminar hosts speakers and participants from academia and industry to discuss latest advances and challenges associated with the transition towards a decarbonized economy. Topics include the economics and management of corporate emissions, decarbonization pathways, and incentives for climate action.
To stay informed about upcoming presentations, please sign up for the seminar’s mailing list via this form. Seminar sessions will usually be held as a hybrid event on Monday afternoons from 05:15 to 06:30 pm (CET or CEST). To join in person, you can come to the room indicated on the respective speaker page. To join virtually, please register in advance using the link we send along with each talk announcement.
The seminar is jointly sponsored by the Mannheim Institute for Sustainable Energy Studies (MISES) and the Center for European Economic Research (ZEW). The organizing team is comprised of Amadeus Bach (MISES), Gunther Glenk (MISES), Marion Ott (ZEW), and Nikolas Wölfing (MISES). In case of questions and suggestions, please contact Yvonne Münch.

Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Monday, March 31, 2025 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CEST)