Representative for Employees with a Disability
The Representative for Employees with a Disability provides assistance to all employees of the University of Mannheim.
Family members of people with disabilities can also obtain assistance and information on the subject from the representative for severely disabled persons.
The representative’s main responsibilities include:
- offering individual advice to employees with questions about the German Social Code (SGB IX), helping them with initial applications for determining a disability or declaring a deterioration in health, as well as establishing contact to social services and integration offices,
- supporting employees in claiming their right to a workplace that is suitable for a disabled person,
- informing employees about disadvantage compensation for disabled people,
- ensuring that laws and regulations concerning university members with disabilities are observed. This includes for instance personnel measures (such as employment, relocation, entitlement to leave) and structural measures (especially accessibility).
Information for employees
Employees can find all important Information on the Representative for employees with a disability on the intranet.