Thorsten Sellhorn

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Paris-Aligned IFRS Financial Statements
September 19, 2022 – 05:15 – 06:30 PM (CEST)

To join in person, come to the room O 129. To join virtually, please register using this link.


Speaker Bio
Thorsten has been Director of the Institute for Accounting, Auditing and Analysis at the LMU Munich School of Management since 2014. Prior to that, he had held the Otto Beisheim Endowed Chair of Accounting at WHU since 2008. He teaches Financial Accounting, International Accounting, Accounting for M&A Transactions, and Financial Statement Analysis & Equity Valuation in renowned BSc, MSc, and MBA programs. Thorsten studied and conducted research at the universities of Bochum, Wisconsin-Madison, Arizona-Tucson, Boston (BU), and at Harvard Business School. Thorsten’s research interests focus on IFRS, the role of accounting information in capital markets, as well as sustainability reporting. His work appears in journals like Management Science, The Accounting Review, European Accounting Review, and Review of Accounting Studies. Thorsten is a co-author of a leading German textbook on international accounting, Internationale Rechnungslegung. He was President of the European Accounting Association (2019–2021). Thorsten has been designing and teaching executive education programs for major international corporations and organizations for more than twenty years. He advises the IFRS Foundation (IFRS Advisory Council) and EFRAG (Academic Panel and Expert Working Group on European Sustainability Reporting Standards).

Admission information
The seminar is open to the public. Registration will be open approximately two weeks before the event. To receive invitations for upcoming seminar talks, please sign up for the mailing list via this form.