Das Mannheimer Barockschloss und der Ehrenhof bei blauem Himmel.

Area B

Individuals, Families, and Households

Projects in area B examine individual resilience with a focus on the context of households and families. Projects study health and well-being in times of crises and how new technologies and healthcare policies may improve them. Further projects study the resilience of (financial) decision-making and the effects of working from home. While explaining the effects of crises on each of these phenomena is important, it is also necessary to understand their interactions. The focus of all projects on resilience of individuals in context of the household environment offers promising connections for inter-project and multidisciplinary research to explain these interactions which is an important step towards explaining societal resilience.

Projects in Area B

Code Title Project Leaders Field
B01 Family Resilience, Well-Being, and Health in Times of Crisis Jutta Mata, Michèle Tertilt, Anna-Lena Zietlow Psychology, Economics
B02 Cognitive Executive Functions as Individual and Social Group Resilience Resources Beatrice Kuhlmann, Anna-Lena Zietlow Psychology
B03 The Potential of Activity Recognition and Support Technology for Behavior Change Towards Resilience Armin Heinzl, Jutta Mata, Heiner Stuckenschmidt Information Systems, Psychology, Computer Science
B04 Individual Perceptions of the Economy in Times of Crisis and their Role for Expectation Formation, Household Financial Decision Making, Well-being and Policy Effectiveness Carmela Aprea, Tabea Bucher-Koenen, Philipp Dörrenberg Business Administration
B05 Resilience of Innovation: The Case of Digital-based Work from Home Irene Bertschek, Karin Hoisl Business Administration
B06 Psychosocial Resilience in Conflict- and Climate-Change Affected Societies Tobias Hecker, Anke Hoeffler Psychology, Political Science

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