Die Universität Manheim ist einem Barockschloss. Auf dem Bild sehen Sie den Ehrenhof des Schlosses.

Accessibility Statement

The University of Mannheim is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with section 10 subsection 1 of the act on equal opportunities of persons with disabilities of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (Landesbehindertengleichstellungsgesetz, L-BGG).

This accessibility statement applies to the entire website of the University of Mannheim, including the homepage and all subpages found under https://www.uni-mannheim.de/en/.

For tips for accessible e-mails and color filters for screens, please see the website of the University IT.

1. Status of fulfilled requirements

This website is only partially compatible with section 10 subsection 1 L-BGG. This is due to the following incompatibilities.

2. Not fully accessible content

The university of Mannheim has got an extensive website comprising several thousand pages. Most pages were published before 23 September 2018. Due to the extensive work load following the entry into force of the act on equal opportunities of persons with disabilities of the Land of Baden-Württemberg, the website has not yet been made fully accessible. The technical implementation is a step-by-step process.

The contents mentioned below are not fully accessible for the following reasons: Excessive work load in accordance with section 10 subsection 2 L-BGG

  • Requirement Alternative texts for graphics or objects are not yet fully available.
  • Requirement It is not yet possible to hold on or close displayed contents in all places by hovering over or focusing on them without shifting the focus.
  • Requirement The menu can be controlled using the keyboard. This is not yet possible for some content elements.
  • Requirement The focus is not yet clearly recognizable for all content elements.
  • Requirement English words on the German website have not yet been marked with the ‘lang-attribute’ in all places. Therefore, some screen readers may read them out with the wrong intonation.
  • Requirement For some interactive elements, the name, role, and value are not clearly recognizable for screen readers.
  • Section 2 sentence 2 of the state decree of the Land of Baden-Württemberg on the implementation of the L-BGG (L-BGG-DVO): Not all documents that are offered on the website as PDF files for download are yet fully accessible.

3. Issuance of this accessibility statement

This statement was issued on 4 May 2021.

The statements regarding the compliance with accessibility requirements in this accessibility statement are based on testing by a third party (Academic Hero) in accordance with WCAG 2.0/2.1. Please view the complete test on which this statement is based here.

The statement was last reviewed on 7 September 2023.

4. Feedback and contact details

If you notice any deficiencies regarding the accessibility of our website, please let us know. You can contact us by e-mail at barrierefreiheitmail-uni-mannheim.de.

Further services and contacts:

5. Enforcement procedure

If the University of Mannheim does not reply to your request by the deadline defined in accordance with section 8 sentence 1 L-BGG-DVO, you may contact the commissioner for matters relating to persons with disabilities of the Land Baden-Württemberg or the municipal commissioner for matters relating to persons with disabilities in their function as ombudspeople in accordance with section 14 subsection 2 L-BGG and section 15 subsection 3 sentence 2 L-BGG. Contact:

Commissioner for matters relating to people with disabilities of the Land of Baden-Württemberg Simone Fischer
Else-Josenhans-Straße 6
70173 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 279-3360
E-Mail: poststellemail-bfbmb.bwl.de

The contact details of the municipal commissioner for matters relating to people with disabilities can be found on the website of your district (Stadtkreis or Landkreis) of your permanent place of residence.

Please be aware of the right to take collective action in accordance with section 12 sentence 1 number 4 L-BGG.