Representation of interests at the university
According to § 38 paragraph 7 of the Landeshochschulgesetz (LHG), the council of speakers of the doctoral are the university's internal representative body for all doctoral students. The basic regulations of the University of Mannheim locate these councils on the faculty level. As soon as you have been accepted as a doctoral student, you are a member of the faculty's own convention and can actively participate. Each convention is chaired by an executive board, which is elected from the ranks.
Who are we
We are the council of speakers of the doctoral convents at the University of Mannheim. The convents are the gatherings of PhD students at the faculty level whose speakers represent the interests of the PhD students within the university committees. The speakers meet at least once a month for an inter-faculty exchange. They elect two chairpeople and a treasurer from their ranks who together form the board.
What we do
Our tasks are diverse and include the following:
- Exchange with the faculties,
- Exchange with the university rectorate and administration,
- Comment on amendments to doctoral regulations,
- Participation in the conception of support measures for doctoral students,
- Participation in the preparation of guidelines and the like for doctoral studies at the University of Mannheim,
- Representation of the PhD students in the university committees
- Networking between PhD students of different faculties
- Conception of events for interdisciplinary further education of PhD students
- Contact for the wishes and concerns of PhD students
Beyond the participation in internal university processes, the convents represent an important instrument for self-organization, for the exchange of information among the doctoral researchers, and for cross-university networking within Baden-Württemberg. The participation of the doctoral students within the convents is guaranteed by the regular meetings and the possibility to participate in the board, the so-called council of speakers. The council of speakers also sees itself as the political representation of all doctoral students at the University of Mannheim and therefore also positions itself on political issues