Doing a PhD at the University of Mannheim
The status group of PhD students
As of 01.04.2018, all doctoral students who are accepted as doctoral candidates must be registered as doctoral students in accordance with § 38 paragraph 5 of the Landeshochschulgesetz (LHG). This so-called compulsory matriculation simultaneously establishes membership of the university and membership of the status group “doctoral students”. One can be exempted from the obligation to enrol if one is employed at the University of Mannheim with 50% or more working hours. If you are not enrolled as a doctoral student, you belong to the status group “Mittelbau”. Doctoral students who are enrolled and employed at the University of Mannheim with 50% working time or more can choose which status group they want to belong to.
Advantages of enrollement
Advantages of the student status outside of university, e.g.,:
- Better conditions for insurance policies
Access to offers for students from the AStAs, e.g.,:
- Reduced ticket prices in museums, theaters, etc.
- Free legal and social counselling of the AStA
- Usage of the Bike Repair Shop of the AStA
Same privileges as students within the university, e.g.,:
- Access to student semester ticket for public transport
- Access to evening and weekend regulations for ÖPNV
- Reduced prices at U Mannheim’s cafeterias
With doctoral students‘ semester fees, doctoral convents organize events for doctoral students, e.g.,:
- Winter/
Summer School for doctoral students by doctoral students - Semester Opening Party
- Workshops on and around your doctoral thesis
Interested in university politics?
If you have ideas or issues you would like to bring up, are interested in organizing events for PhD students, or would like to be part of a university committee, feel free to contact us or the respective speakers of the faculty.