Examination Regulations in English

(for degree programs taught in English)

Please find below the examination regulations for the master's programs taught in English and the regulations on admission and enrollment (ZulImmaO) of the University of Mannheim in their English versions. These are non-official versions of the documents. Only the regulations published in the Bulletin of the President's Office are legally binding.

If a semester has been added to the examination regulations (e.g. “as at fall semester 2018”), the document applies to all students who started their program in the given semester or afterwards (though exceptions may apply to students admitted to an advanced subject-specific semester).

Regulations on admission and enrollment

Regulations on Admission and Enrollment of the University of Mannheim

Examination regulations

Master's program in Business Informatics (M.Sc.)
Business Informatics (as at spring semester 2018)

Master's program in Economics

Mannheim Master in Data Science (M.Sc.)
Mannheim Master in Data Science (MMDS) (as at spring semester 2024)
Mannheim Master in Data Science (MMDS) (as at spring semester 2020)

Mannheim Master in Social Data Science (M.Sc.)
Mannheim Master in Social Data Science (MMSDS)

Mannheim Master in Management
Mannheim Master in Management (MMM)
Study Regulations for the Double Degree Program (as at fall semester 2023)
Program Option “Business Research” (as at fall semester 2021)

Master's programs in Social Sciences (M.A.)
Political Science (as at fall semester 2023)
Political Science (as at fall semester 2017)
Political Science (as at fall semester 2014)
Sociology (as at fall semester 2017)
Sociology (as at fall semester 2016)

Master of Comparative Business Law
Master of Comparative Business Law (MCBL) (as at fall semester 2021)

Discontinued degree programs

Mannheim Master in Business Research (MMBR)
Mannheim Master in Business Research (MMBR) (as at fall semester 2018)

Mannheim Master in Management (MMM)
Study Regulations for the Double Degree Program (before fall semester 2023)

Other examination regulations

Examination regulations for programs that require students to provide proof of proficiency in German at the time of application or enrollment are only available in German and can be viewed here.

Questions about the examination regulations?

You cannot find the examination regulations applicable to your program or have questions regarding the examination regulations?
Please contact the examination committee responsible for you or your Student Services advisor.

Examination regulations for the programs in Teacher Education

On this page, you will find the examination regulations for our bachelor’s and master’s programs in Teacher Education.

Validity: If a semester has been added to the examination regulations (e.g., “as at fall semester 2018”), the document applies to all students who started their program in the given semester or afterwards (though exceptions may apply to students admitted to an advanced subject-specific semester).

Rahmenvorgabenverordnung des Kultusministeriums (framework regulations of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, Youth and Sports of Baden-Württemberg for all programs in Teacher Education)
RahmenVO-KM (as of April 2015)

Questions about the examination regulations?

You cannot find the examination regulations applicable to you or have questions regarding the examination regulations?

Please contact the examination committee responsible for you or your Student Services advisor.