Treppe mit absteigenden Menschen von oben, Schriftzug in blauem Kasten: "Ggood reasons for a collaboration"

Cooperation opportunities

Our positioning in the central application areas of management analytics offers interested companies a broad spectrum of collaboration opportunities.

Good reasons to work with MAC

Eine Dozentin steht lachend im Seminar vor drei Personen, die in der vorderen Reihe sitzen.
First-class research

Access to experts in various analytics research areas who can advise and help you to develop promising business ideas.


Studierende schlendern gut gelaunt über den sonnigen Ehrenhof der Uni Mannheim
Excellent young talents

You can establish contacts with outstanding students, graduates and our young scientists.

Ein Mann hält seinen Laptop auf dem Schoß fest und tippt auf das Display.

Under the leadership of Prof. Stahl (Chair of Quantitative Marketing) and speaker of the consortium BERD@NFDI, as well as with the participation of Prof. Hartmut Höhle (MAC Head), a national cloud-based platform is to be established within the next years.



Studierende sitzen hintereinander in einem Hörsaal und hören bei einer Vorlesung zu.

We encourage the involvement of corporate partners in lectures and seminars in the field of management analytics.

Examples for current collaborations and events

User Behavior Mining research project in cooperation with SAP Business Process Intelligence (BPI)

Predictive Analytics Hackathon Workshop with SAP Analytics Cloud


Regular People Analytics network meetings with well-known companies.