You can use the Teams calendar to create your own meetings. In the calendar view, you can see all meetings. In Teams, you will find the calendar in the menu on the left hand side.
You have three options for the calendar view: day, work week and full week. Click on the menu in the corner on the right above the calendar, if you want to change the view.
How can I schedule a new meeting?
There are different ways to create a new meeting:
1. The button to create a new meeting is in the corner on the right above the calendar.
2. You can also open the “create a meeting” window directly from the calendar by selecting the time frame for your meeting.
3. You can also create a meeting directly in a Teams channel. The option is in the upper right corner of Teams. The current channel will automatically appear in the window in which you schedule a meeting. However, we recommend not using this option since an error occurs if such a meeting invitation is confirmed. Please schedule your meeting always in the calendar.
How can I invite other participants to join my meeting?
In the second line under “add required attendees”, you can enter colleagues you want to invite to this meeting. Please enter their Uni-IDs or names.
In the “Scheduling assistant” menu, you can get an overview on the scheduled meetings of the attendees and their availability in the time frame of your scheduled meeting. You can still change the time and date of your scheduled meeting. In addition, you can add or delete other participants.
By clicking on “Save” in the the upper right corner, the meeting is created. If you have added attendees, they will receive a notification. Accordingly, the button is called “Send”.
MS Teams will send out an automatic e-mail with the meeting request. The meeting will appear in the calendar of the e-mail client.
Information for employees in the university’s administration who schedule a meeting: Due to technical reasons, the meeting will only appear in your Outlook calendar if you send an additional invitation to your own administrative e-mail address.
How can I invite external participants to join my meeting?
How can I set up recurring meetings in Microsoft Teams?
How can I accept a meeting invitation?
How can I join scheduled meetings?