Fundamental requirements

In order to apply the necessary settings to your courses in Portal2 and in ILIAS, you should be assigned the role of “responsible instructor” for your Portal2 courses. Please contact your secretary's office if this is not the case. As the instructor, you can edit your Portal2 courses, and automatically have administration rights for the ILIAS course/group.


Option 1: Registering for a course via Portal2

The easiest way for students to register for a course is through Portal2. The system enables them to directly register or request to register for courses, which then appear in their personal course schedule. Course registration via Portal2 is also flexible and can be individually configured (for example, registration on a first-come, first-served basis, admission by lottery prioritizing advanced semesters, the option to select preferred groups etc.). Registration is, however, also possible using ILIAS.
Many departments already use Portal2 for course registration.

Often, students are confused if they can register for some courses, but not for others. That is why we recommend using “real-time registration”, especially if there is no limitation on the number of course participants. Students register for the course and are admitted without any further action required. Provided that ILIAS has been activated, the admitted participants are automatically transferred from Portal2 to ILIAS (see this document here – section: Activation of Participants).
You can activate this function for your course by clicking on the periods tab and assigning UMA real-time registration in HWS --> “UMA Echtzeitbelegung ZU HWS" or in FSS --> “UMA Echtzeitbelegung ZU FSS”.
Students can then register for, or de-register from your course between the shown timeperiod which is pre-set.
For example if you would have chosen “UMA Echtzeitbelegung ZU HWS” in 2019, your students could de-/register between 01.08.2019 – 20.12.2019:

For more information, in German, on the registration procedures in Portal2, please go to this document regarding the different period options (german only).


Configuration of your ILIAS Course

You can find out how to create a corresponding ILIAS course for a Portal2 course, and read about the different options available, here. This information assumes that students can register for the course using Portal2.


Option 2: Registering for a course via ILIAS

Our ILIAS documentation provides further information on configuring registration restrictions in ILIAS, which you can find here. More detailed information can be found at the german documentation about ILIAS (german only). In particular, the section on settings for your e-learning course may be of interest.