- 15 June 2021
Stefan Reichelstein spoke at a online seminar on “Reducing the Cost of Renewable Hydrogen”, organized by Ata Insights.
- 20 May 2021
Gunther Glenk is giving a talk on 'Renewable vs Traditional Power Generation: The State of the Race'.
- 31 March 2021
Stefan Reichelstein introduces the Mannheim Institute for Sustainable Energy Studies (MISES) to the members of the Universitätsrat at the University of Mannheim.
- 29 March 2021
Ioannis Ioannou from London Business School is speaking on 'Corporate Sustainability: A Strategy?' as part of the Decarbonization Seminar.
- 8 March 2021
Mar Reguant of Northwestern University is speaking on 'The Distributional Impacts of Real-Time Pricing in the Spanish Residential Electricity Market' as part of the Decarbonization Seminar.
- 22 February 2021
Christopher Knittel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is speaking on 'Distributed Effects of Climate Policy: A Machine Learning Approach' as part of the Decarbonization Seminar.
- December 2020
MISES was awarded a research contract by the state Baden-Württemberg examining the use of fuel cells and hydrogen in urban transit buses.
- 16 December 2020
Nikolas Wölfing is giving a presentation regarding “The impact of forward contracts on collusion supply functions” at the Brown Bag Seminar in Accounting and Taxation.
- 14 December 2020
A joint ZEW and MISES seminar titled “Bidding and Investment in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Pay-as-bid vs Uniform price auctions”. The seminar will be given by Bert Willems, Associate Professor at Tilburg University.
- 11 December 2020
Stefan Reichelstein is presenting the paper “The impact of carbon disclosure mandates on emissions and financial operating performance” at the Annual Review of Accounting Studies Conference at Stanford University.
- 2 December 2020
As part of the Brown Bag Seminar Gunther Glenk is giving a speech on “Cost Competitiveness of Alternative Power Generation Technologies”.
- 2 December 2020
As part of the Brown Bag Online Seminar in Accounting & Taxation Sebastian Schwenen from the TU Munich will give a presentation on “The Impact of Carbon Disclosure Mandates on Emissions and Financial Operating Performance”.
- 11 November 2020
Stefan Reichelstein is speaking on „The Rapid Advances in Renewable Energy“ at the Energy Investment Forum 2020 in Budapest.
- 22 October 2020
Stefan Reichelstein attends the Professional Accounting Conference at the University of Toronto as a panelist.
- 16 October 2020
A joint ZEW and MISES seminar by Tobias Schmidt from ETH Zürich titled “Financing the energy transition – the role of macro dynamics, policy, and financing types and conditions”.
- 3 October 2020
Stefan Reichelstein is lecturer at the Summer School “Accounting for Capacity Investments” at the Institute for Management Studies of the University of Vienna.
- 2 October 2020
Nikolas Wölfing is presenting as a stand-in for the market design group at the SynErgie Expert Workshop on Electricity Spot Market Design at ZEW about “Forward trading and collusion in supply functions”.
- 22 September 2020
The newspaper “Der Tagesspiegel” publishes an interview with Stefan Reichelstein on the race between battery and fuel cell in the field of local public transport and bus services as well as in heavy goods traffic. The article reads “Das Rennen zwischen Batterie und Brennstoffzelle ist offen”.
- 20 September 2020
Stefan Reichelstein holds a presentation at the World Hydrogen Congress on “Beyond the Hype: Future Hydrogen Supply/
- 2 September 2020
Stefan Reichelstein is a speaker on „The Role of Hydrogen in Decarbonized Energy Economies“ at the Energy(at)StanfordConference at Stanford University.
- June, 2020
Stefan Reichelstein, is the lecturer of the online lecture 'Economics of the Clean Energy Transition' at Stanford University.
- 15 May 2020
A joint ZEW and MISES online seminar titled:“Technology Policy and Market Structure: Evidence from the Power Sector” will be held on ZOOM.
- 27–28 March 2020 (The Event was postponed due to the Corona Virus)
Stefan Reichelstein attends a meeting of the Standing Field Committee in Accounting of the Verein für Socialpolitik at the University of Cologne.
- 20 March 2020 (The Event was postponed due to the Corona Virus)
Stefan Reichelstein is a panel member at this year's Mannheim Forum on the subject of the generation conflict of climate change. More information about the program can be found here.
- 25 February 2020
Nikolas Wölfing held a seminar at ZEW's Research Department Market Design on “A Glance on Power Markets”.
- 20 February 2020
Stefan Reichelstein held a presentation at the Climate Risk & Sustainable Finance-Workshop at the Bundesbank in Frankfurt on “Cost Competitiveness of Clean Energy Investments”.
- 15 January 2020
Stefan Reichelstein's publication Relating product prices to long‐run marginal cost: Evidence from solar photovoltaic modules is part of the latest Mannheim Business Research Insights of the Faculty of Business Administration. An online edition of the Research Insights can be found here.
- 10 December 2019
Nikolas Wölfing presented his paper “How marginal is lignite? Two simple approaches to determine price-setting technologies” at a joint MISES/
- 3 December 2019
Nikolas Wölfing held a presentation as part of the lecture series “Insights and Perspectives” at the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences. Click here for more information on the lecture.
- 2 December 2019
Stefan Reichelstein gave a talk to the Wissenschaftlicher Beirat of the MRN GmbH. His talk was titled: “Klimawandel als Globale und Lokale Herausforderung”.
- 21 November 2019
Stefan Reichelstein attended the annual MIT CEEPR Energy Workshop in Boston. His presentation was titled: “Cost competitiveness of Vertically Integrated Power-to-Gas Systems”.
- 12 November 2019
Stefan Reichelstein gave a keynote adress on “Cost Dynamics of Clean Energy Technologies” at the annual PwC Global Energy, Utilities & Resources Conference.
- 7–8 November 2019
Gunther Glenk gave a talk on economics of renewable hydrogen on this year’s Zero CO2 Mobility Conference. Click here for more information on the conference program.
- 30 October 2019
Prof. Dr. Nikolas Wölfing participated in a joint study by ZEW Mannheim, FiFo Cologne, ifo Institute and the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology for the Federal Ministry of Finance. For more information on the study click here.
- 17 October 2019
The Mannheim Institute for Sustainable Energy Studies co-organized a conference in cooperation with the centre for Hydrogen.Bavaria (H2.B) at the Energy Campus Nuremberg (EnCN) to discuss the potential of hydrogen in a decarbonized economy A press release can be found here.
- 14 October 2019
Stefan Reichelstein gave an interview for the newspaper Mannheimer Morgen on the negative effects of climate change on nature and infrastructure. Have a read here.
- October 2019
Gunther Glenk received the best paper award from the German Economic Association of Business Administration (GEABA) at the annual meeting 2019. The awarded paper “Shared Capacity and Levelized Cost with Application to Power-to-Gas Technology” can be found here. A press release can be found here.
- 19–20 September 2019
Stefan Reichelstein, Nikolas Wölfing and Gunter Glenk participated in this years GEABA Symposium which focused on the topic “The importance of microeconomic methods in management”. Find more information on the conference program here. The article on the participation in the conference can be found here.
- 25 September 2019
At the Annual Meeting organized by Verein für Socialpolitik, Gunther Glenk presented his paper “Shared Capacity and Levelized Cost with Application to Power-to-Gas Technology”.
- 9 September 2019
Prof. Dr. Stefan Reichelstein gave a keynote presentation on “Nachhaltige Energie: die beschwerliche Wende” at the conference “Nachhaltig erfolgreich sein” on 9 September. More information on the conference can be found here.
- 7 September 2019
At the 16th Schlossfest in Mannheim, Stefan Reichelstein gave a presentation on “Kommt der Klimaschutz schnell genug voran?”.
- 12 August 2019
At the 2019 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco, Gunther Glenk presented his paper “Shared Capacity and Levelized Cost with Application to Power-to-Gas Technology”.
- 1 August 2019
At the MSE Colloquium in Munich, Gunther Glenk presented his paper “Shared Capacity and Levelized Cost with Application to Power-to-Gas Technology”.
- 18 July 2019
Dr. Gunther Glenk receives the annual award from the Tyczka Energy Foundation for his doctoral dissertation. Read more here.
- 10 July 2019
In his role as Faculty Director of the Focus Area on Energy Business Innovations, Stefan Reichelstein hosted a one-day Industry Dialogue on “Carbon Capture and Utilization” at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
- 24 June 2019
At Verband der Chemischen Industrie (VCI) in Darmstadt, Nikolas Wölfing delivered a presentation on “Warum es keine gute Idee ist über Kapazitätsmärkte zu reden”.
- 13 June 2019
At the Annual Meeting organized by VHB, Gunther Glenk presented his paper “Shared Capacity and Levelized Cost with Application to Power-to-Gas Technology”.
- 5 June 2019 10:30–12:00
Joint MISES & ZEW Seminar: Dr. Stephen D. Comello (Stanford University) – “Cross Boundary Collaboration: A Study of Open Innovation in the Electricity Sector”
Location: Seminar Room Strasbourg, ZEW, L7, 1, 68161 Mannheim
- June 2019
Stefan Reichelstein and Anna Rohlfing (MISES Research Affiliate) are co-investigators of a new DFG research project titled: “Accounting for Transparency". This project is part of a TransRegio Award by the DFG for a consortium of accounting researchers at the Humboldt University in Berlin, the University of Mannheim and the University of Paderborn.
- 30 May 2019
At the 42nd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association in Paphos, Cyprus, Stefan Reichelstein presented his current working paper “Capacity Rights and Full Cost Transfer Pricing” (joint work with Sunil Dutta at U.C. Berkeley).
- 3 May 2019
Stefan Reichelstein gave an invited plenary address at Production and Operations Management Society in Washington D.C.. The title of the talk was “Synergistic Invetsment Value in Vertically Integrated Energy Systems”.
- 25 April 2019
Nikolas Wölfing gave a presentation on “Forward trading and collusion in supply functions” at the Bergen Competition Policy Conference 2019 (BECCLE) in Bergen, Norway.
- 18 April 2019
In the online seminar organized by Solarplaza, Gunther Glenk presented his joint paper with Stefan Reichelstein “Economics of Converting Renewable Power to Hydrogen”.
The recording can be watched here.
- 9 April 2019 12:00–13:30
Joint MISES & ZEW Seminar: Dr. Mark C. Thurber (Stanford University) – “Coal”
Location: Seminar Room 1, ZEW, L7, 1, 68161 Mannheim
- April 2019
Stefan Reichelstein was invited as a panelist at the Conference on Climate-Related Financial Reporting, Cambridge University.