Media Equipment Center
We offer you professional equipment for your multi-media projects.
The Media Equipment Center of the University of Mannheim offers students and teachers a broad range of equipment for a better teaching quality and for independent work on media projects.
The tools are not only useful for hybrid or digital courses, but students can implement their multi-media projects and record and further process audio and video material. Here, you will receive information on the borrowing conditions and the different possibilities to use the devices.
Borrowing periods
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the current situation, you can only borrow and return equipment by appointment. To make an appointment, please send an e-mail to mt-ausleihe.
Borrowing conditions
Terms and Conditions for Borrowing Equipment and Accessories from the UNIT Media Equipment Center at the University of Mannheim
§1 Scope
This document sets forth the terms and conditions for borrowing equipment and accessories from the UNIT Media Equipment Center at the University of Mannheim. This includes all equipment and respective accessories that have been procured for university teaching purposes and/or within the scope of university projects and that are managed by the Media Equipment Center. The borrowing party confirms the following terms and conditions with their signature when borrowing the devices and their respective accessories. §2 Reserving and borrowing equipment
1. The borrowing party informs a staff member of the Media Equipment Center about their borrowing request. The staff can be contacted in advance via e-mail or during office hours to ensure the availability of the equipment and the accessories and to schedule an appointment for pick-up.2. Borrowing equipment from the Media Equipment Center at the University of Mannheim is only possible for:
- employees of the University of Mannheim
- members of recognized student organizations of the University of Mannheim
- enrolled students (provided they have a valid ecUM) who are able to provide proof of the respective project, i.e. by presenting an e-mail confirmation by a teacher
3. Unless otherwise provided for in the description of the project goal or arranged otherwise upfront with a staff member of the technology departement, the borrowed equipment is only to be used by members of the respective project. In all cases, equipment and accessories may be borrowed for USE WITHIN UNIVERSITY PROJECTS ONLY.
4. The borrowing period is determined in advance and is limited to a maximum of 14 days. If and when required, the borrowing period can be extended upon agreement with a staff member of the Media Equipment Center, provided the equipment is needed for a longer period of time within the stated project. Employees of the University of Mannheim are entitled to borrow equipment for the entire semester if a sufficient number of devices is available. In this case, the equipment must be handed in by the end of the semester. If required, the Media Equipment Center can reclaim the equipment prematurely.
§3 Picking up the equipment
Equipment and accessories can be picked up during office hours or upon agreement with a staff member of the Media Equipment Center. The borrowing party is asked to independently review the condition of the equipment and report potential defects or missing parts immediately. If the borrowing party detects a defect or missing part, the borrowing party must notify a staff member of the Media Equipment Center without undue delay. When the equipment is handed over, the following details are documented: date of receipt, borrowing period that has been agreed, name of the device and its accessories and contact details of the borrowing party. The borrowing party is obliged to disclose at least one contact detail (e-mail address or phone number).§4 Duties of the borrowing party
1. With their signature, the borrowing party undertakes to treat the borrowed equipment with care and to protect all devices from damages, loss, and theft. It is prohibited to modify the default technical state of the devices.2. THE BORROWING PARTY IS LIABLE FOR ANY POTENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING LOSS, THEFT AND/
OR DESTRUCTION. THEY ARE TO BEAR THE FULL COSTS THAT ARE INCURRED BY THE REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR OF THE SAME OR A SIMILAR DEVICE. By signing, they agree to this provision. 3. The borrowed equipment is to be used solely within the scope of the project. Third parties that are not involved in the project must not use the equipment. This is also applicable for other employees or students of the university if they are not actively involved in the project. The borrowing party is obliged to immediately report damages, loss, or theft of the borrowed equipment to the Media Equipment Center and must compensate potential costs accordingly (see section 4.2).
4. Limitation of liability under public service law (Dienstrecht): In case of damage, loss, or theft of the equipment by an employee of the university, limitations of liability under public service law may apply. Where applicable, any compensation may be carried out by the respective department (if the person causing the damage is a member of a department at the University of Mannheim).
§5 Returning equipment
1. Like the pick-up of the equipment, returning the equipment is to be done at the date and time scheduled by the Media Equipment Center (see section 3). The return must occur within the agreed upon period of time. The borrowed equipment and all accessories must be returned in full working order. Otherwise, measures according to section 4 will be taken.2. If the equipment is repeatedly handed in late, the Media Equipment Center is authorized to exclude the borrowing party from borrowing devices from the stock of the University of Mannheim. This applies to the person listed as borrower of the equipment and not to potential substitutes such as research associates (see section 6.1).
3. If the borrowing party terminates their employment relationship with or is disenrolled from the University of Mannheim during the borrowing period, the borrowing relationship ends upon termination of the employment relationship or upon disenrollment, as applicable. The device and its accessories are to be returned to the Media Equipment Center without undue delay.
§6 Borrowing party
1. The person who arranged the borrowing of the equipment with a staff member of the Media Equipment Center is deemed to be the borrowing party. This person is listed as responsible person in the borrower’s agreement and is liable for any damage in case the borrower’s duties are breached, even if substitutes borrow or return the equipment (e.g. research assistants).2. If the equipment and/
or accessories are damaged, lost, or stolen, it is assumed that the damage was caused by non-compliant behavior of the borrowing party. If there is no proof disconfirming the assumption, the borrower is liable for all damages in accordance with section 4.
Fields of use
We have collected different scenarios to give you examples of how to use the devices. These are only a few examples – if you have your own ideas, we are happy to advise you!
Audio recording
Screen recording
Video recording
Scenario Devices Additional information Normal lecture recording e.g. with PowerPoint + Webcam Logitech C920
with integrated microphoneSimple home recordings
with your own laptop.Recording on your own e.g. Canon GX40
audio: clip-on microphone Canon DM-100 or
external MP3 recording with Zoom H1 + clip-on microphoneEquipment like tripod, 64 GB SD card can also be borrowed. Professional video recording At the video studio by appointment Recorded by an IT staff member;
for professional recordings to be used throughout the semester
or for marketing purposes.Lecture
Scenario Devices Additional information Digital lecture Webcam Logitech C920 with integrated microphone Hybrid lecture
Meeting OWL
Jabra Speak 710Quality depends on number of participants
on site and the room conditions
(size, high ceilings, echo, etc.).In-person lecture
in a lecture hall (e.g. panel discussion)Various additional lecture hall technology:
– Shure and Sennheiser mics
– Presenter
– document camera Iris Scan 5
– graphics tablet Wacom OnePlease note that some equipment is already installed in the lecture hall.