Course Registration for International Exchange Students

Before you can register for any course, you need to have access to Portal². Students will receive their Portal² login information from the International Office via e-mail. This information will be sent out a couple of weeks after the application deadline.
Please make sure to first log in to Portal² and then start with the course registration process as described below in a new tab in the same browser. While completing the steps described below, you need to stay logged in to Portal² at all times.

Please find a list of all courses open to international exchange students on

Once you click on the above link, you are automatically directed to the current course catalog. The course catalog should open in the same browser you are using for Portal², but in a different tab.

The teaching mode tells you if a course is held on campus or virtually (live or recorded). This information is provided in the course details.

Having trouble with the registration?

•    Check if you are still logged in to Portal².
•    Check if the correct semester is set.
•    Check if you have picked the adequate role. Your course selection has to be done with the role “preliminary student”.
•    Check if there is an active registration period.
If you cannot proceed with your registration after checking these parameters, please contact your respective departmental exchange coordinator.