Eine Flagge von Engage.EU sowie eine Flagge der Uni Mannheim stehen vor dem Schloss der Uni.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

The ENGAGE.EU newsletter of the University of Mannheim informs you about important news and events from the Alliance and the Mannheim ENGAGE.EU community. It is published every six to eight weeks.


past newsletters

Review: Past Events

Viele Personen in schicker Kleidung stehen nebeneinander auf einer Treppe in einem Gebäude.
Think Tank 2022

The first ENGAGE.EU Think Tank took place in fall 2022 at the University of Mannheim and dealt with the topic of “Digitalization”. A review with picture gallery.

Review of the first anniversary of ENGAGE.EU!

In November 2020, “ENGAGE.EU – The European University engaged in Societal Change” was launched. After one year of implementation under the conditions of a pure digital age we celebrated our first “face-to-face” meeting on 21 and 22 October 2021 at the University of Mannheim.