Vier Personen stehen in eiem Gang und unterhalten sich.

Information for Students

As a student of the University of Mannheim you are part of a network of nine European universities.

This gives you numerous options such as:

  • networking with students of the partner universities;
  • participating in summer schools and expeditions;
  • sharing an international campus with online courses and seminars across universities;
  • events for students;
  • stays abroad;
  • joint research projects;
  • access to publications within ENGAGE.EU
  • ...and many more!

Course offers for students

  • Online Exchange Initiative

    Since the fall semester 2020, the partner universities offer courses as part of the Online Exchange Initiative on a regular basis. These flexible online classes are open to all sutdents of the ENGAGE.EU partner universities.
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  • Modules

    Since the fall semester 2022, the University of Mannheim and its partner universities have been offering interdisciplinary modules, e.g., on sustainability.
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  • Joint programs

    Joint programs are master's programs across campuses that the partner universities offer together. The University of Mannheim’s first joint certificate program with all partners began in the spring semester of 2023. For participating in three virtual block courses plus summer seminar in-person ECTS will be rewarded.
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  • Double Degrees

    The University of Mannheim offers a double degree program for students of the Mannheim Master in Management with the Luiss – Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali in Rome. The second degree is a Master in Strategic Management. The programme focuses on Green Economy and Sustainability.
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Other activities

  • Summer Schools

    Every summer, there is a Summer School that is hosted by one of the ENGAGE.EU partner universities. In summer 2022, a group of students spent two weeks at the Luiss University in Rome. Together with professors from the alliance, they took part in the program on “Digitalization and Challenges for European Society”. In 2023, a Summer School on the topic of “Transformation to sustainability in Europe: Challenges and solutions” will be hosted by the Vienna University of Economics and Business.
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  • Expedition Weeks

    “Expeditions” are programs where, together with students from partner universities, companies, and research institutions, you take on a challenge in one of the cities belonging to the alliance. Please click here, for a review of the Mannheim Expedition Week 2022 “Quarters of Diversity – Neckarstadt-West”.

  • Local Learner Chapter

    In this semester program, students learn about current challenges in Europe in various in-person formats such as lectures, workshops, or country evenings, gain insights into the countries and cultures of the ENGAGE.EU partner universities, and have the opportunity to network with other students with an interest in Europe.

  • Events

    Every week, there are several events, such as insightful roundtables on social problems. See all events on the ENGAGE.EU website.