Eine Person in einem Poloshirt steht vorne in einem Semianrraum und redet. Fünf weitere Personen sitzen im Raum und sehen die Person an.

DAAD funding for organizing conferences for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the University of Mannheim in cooperation with ENGAGE.EU supports the organisation of two-day workshops or conferences for and by early-stage researchers at the University of Mannheim. Doctoral and post-doctoral researchers willing to host an academic event related to the research topics of the European university alliance ENGAGE.EU in 2025 can apply for funding until 25 February 2025. The maximum amount for funding is 11,280 Euros.

  • Decisive (these criteria must be met)

    1. Fit with the objectives of ENGAGE.EU
    2. Realistic timeline for the conference organisation
    3. Sensible budget calculation with breakdown of all costs and a concept for awarding travel allowances to speakers
    4. The event (conference or workshop) will span two days and will take place before 1 November 2025 at the University of Mannheim.

    At least one of the two following criteria must be met:

    1. Organising committee includes one or more early-stage researchers from one or more ENGAGE.EU partner universities. The lead applicant must be a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher at the University of Mannheim
    2. Peer-2-peer format that primarily addresses early-stage researchers, and which specifically targets speakers and participants from the ENGAGE.EU university alliance.

    ENGAGE.EU strives to promote diversity and equal opportunities. In the event of applications of equal quality, we will give preference to applicants from underrepresented groups.

  • Eligible for funding are

    Please note: Under certain circumstances, it is possible to co-fund parts of the planned event from other budget or third-party funds. Please inform when submitting your application if you plan to co-fund the event.

  • Application

    Please send your application to mailto:engagemail-uni-mannheim.de until 25 February 2025.

    Please enclose:

    1. The filled-out form
    2. A list of speakers (invited /suggested), and a list of (potential) participants with an indication of their respective affiliation/home institutions
    3. A budget calculation and concept for awarding travel allowances to speakers

    A committee consisting of the Vice President for Research and Career Paths in Academia, members of the academic career paths division, and the ENGAGE.EU Secretariat will assess all applications. You will be informed about the status of your application by early March.

    If your application is successful, you will be required to submit the following documents for reimbursement after the event (no later than 15 November 2025)

    1. A short event report
    2. The call for papers and programme
    3. A list of participants
    4. The expense report, including all receipts.

    For further questions, please reach out to engagemail-uni-mannheim.de.

  • Form