Drei Portraits von unterschiedlich an der Uni Mannheim beschäftigten Personen sind nebeneinander vor einem grünen Hintergrund aufegreiht. Daneben steht der Slogan "Be inspired".

#SustainableUniMA – Making a Difference

Creating a sustainable economy and society is an urgent challenge for us all. In the “#SustainableUniMA – I will make a difference by ...” campaign, members of the University of Mannheim are accepting this challenge and provide an answer in the form of a personal statement. In the statements, sustainability is understood within the meaning of the UN's 17 goals for a sustainable development and includes economic, ecological, and social dimensions.

On this website, which will be regularly updated, you can read the contributions that have been submitted. Get inspired and think about the impact you could have.

I will make a difference by analyzing in which cases and how increased corporate transparency leads to more sustainability in companies.
Geritt von Zedlitz
Doctoral student
I will make a difference by integrating environmental protection into my daily life and by not buying fast fashion or a car.
Clara Schünemann
Student, B.A. Culture and Economy: German Studies
I will make a difference by researching and teaching how environmental policies can be as effective as needed and as affordable as possible.
Prof. Ulrich Wagner, Ph.D.
Professor of Quantitative Economics
I will make a difference by helping university employees to take environmental and social sustainability into account when making purchases.
Julia Freimuth
Strategic purchasing manager/Purchasing Department
I will make a difference by supporting sustainability ideas proposed by the university’s administration, e.g., for lighting and paper consumption.
Dr. Katrin Schoppa-Bauer
Executive Vice President
I will make a difference by actively promoting projects that make the university more innovative – such as introducing the digital business travel management.
Veronique Embach
Deputy Equal Opportunity Commissioner for non-academic staff members (administration, library, and University IT)
I will make a difference by searching for optimal pathways for plastics, from waste to renewal.
Hilal Müge Cakan
Doctoral student
I will make a difference by prioritizing a product’s repair capacity when buying something.
Prof. Dr. Annette Kehnel
Vice President for Student Affairs and Teaching
I will make a difference by working for INFINITY Mannheim and by getting students excited about sustainability through events such as the Social Entrepreneurship Workshop.
Sarina Gallus
Student, Master's Program in Psychology: Work, Economy and Society
I will make a difference by applying the knowledge from my master's program in my job and private life.
Karla Funes
Mannheim Master in Sustainabiliy and Impact Management
I will make a difference by researching and teaching climate ethics, giving talks about the topic, making regular donations, and paying attention to my lifestyle.
Prof. Dr. Bernward Gesang
Chair of Philosophy II
I will make a difference by organizing the certificate program “Studium Oecologicum” to teach students about sustainability.
María Jesús Collado
Director Studium Generale
I will make a difference by contributing my fire prevention expertise both professionally and as a volunteer to protect the environment, since fires release pollutants.
Markus Behlau
Occupational Safety Specialist, Fire Prevention Officer
I will make a difference by researching the costs and risks associated with the energy transition.
Prof. Stefan Reichelstein, Ph.D.
Endowed Chair in Business Administration
I will make a difference by supporting sustainability management in the President’s Office and by using my car as little as possible.
Lutz Pöhlmann
Director President's Office
I will make a difference by supporting international exchange.
Lukas Dausend
Study Abroad and Bilateral Agreements
I will make a difference by using the Deutschlandticket, a flat-rate ticket for nationwide public transport in Germany, as often as possible.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Fetzer
Vice President for Strategic Planning, Internationalization and Equal Opportunity
I will make a difference by looking for local and regional products when shopping for food.
Prof. Henning Hillmann, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research and Early-Stage Researchers
I will make a difference by organizing childcare for students and examination supervisors for exams that take place on Saturdays.
Natalie Rose
Staff member of the Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity
I will make a difference by taking the train for all trips required for my semester abroad in Norway.
Laura Schmitt
Student, B.A. Sociology
I will make a difference by implementing local sustainability projects at the student organization INFINITY Mannheim.
Luca Knörzer
Student, Mannheim Master in Management
I will make a difference by reducing single-use plastics at student parties to reduce, inter alia, ocean pollution.
Tim Neubauer
Student, M.Ed. German and History
I will make a difference by cycling regularly and promoting cycling at every opportunity.
Prof. Dr. Georg W. Alpers
Chair of Clinical and Biological Psychology and Psychotherapy
I will make a difference by eating local and vegetarian food.
Viktor Boecking
Head of the University Library’s communications department
I will make a difference by avoiding air travel in my spare time.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Puhl
I will make a difference by working to further reduce discrimination at our university.
Corinna Kröger
Executive Assistant to the Central Equal Opportunities Commissioner
I will make a difference by conducting risk assessments at the workplace and by helping supervisors to eliminate these risks.
Christiane Feldhaus
Occupational Safety Specialist
I will make a difference by assessing what social policies in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa can do to reduce existing inequalities in education and in the labor market.
Prof. Dr. Ilze Plavgo
Junior professor of Sociology of the Welfare State
I will make a difference by supporting international students coming to Mannheim with my work at the International Office.
Nina Todorovic
Student, Master of Comparative Business Law
I will make a difference by designing a bee-friendly garden with bee hotels and local plants.
Lara Reimer
Consultant Sustainability Management
I will make a difference by recycling material at home and at work, for example cardboard rolls for mobiles, and by thrifting as many items as possible.
Kerstin Großardt
Library Secretary
I will make a difference by eating a vegan diet and supporting an animal welfare organization.
Rheia Martiny
Press Officer for the joint project TransforMA
I will make a difference by supporting the university's sustainability management in calculating the university's carbon footprint.
Theodor Hankammer
Student, B.Sc. Business Administration
I will make a difference by promoting the flyer app “Flyra” in the student organization INFINITY Mannheim e.V., which will reduce paper waste.
Christine Bickert
Student, B.A. Culture and Economy: Spanish Studies
I will make a difference by further developing the sustainability strategy of the University of Mannheim.
Prof. Dr. Moritz Fleischmann
Vice President for Sustainability and Information Provision
I will make a difference by promoting sustainability in local politics as member of the district advisory council and as candidate for the Mannheim city council.
Wanja Pasdzierny
Student, State examination in Law
I will make a difference by working at Kinderhelden to improve educational opportunities for children.
Khadija Larabi
Doctoral student
I will make a difference by founding the “mynds” student initiative to promote the career paths of female students in Economics.
Marie Kühn
Student, Mannheim Master in Management
I will make a difference by organizing the AStA lecture series on climate change in the fall semester 2023.
Renke Meyer
Student, B.Sc. Economics
I will make a difference by campaigning for a green campus and planning sustainability projects as representative of the AStA Campus department.
Paul Heierling
Representative of the AStA Campus department
I will make a difference by creating the structures for a culture of diversity at the university.
Sabine Kußmaul
Head of the Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity
I will make a difference by working to increase the proportion of women in professorships and other leadership positions in academia.
Prof. Dr. Astrid Lembke
Central Equal Opportunity Commissioner
I will make a difference by biking to work every day — in all weathers.
Britta Düvelmeyer
Deputy Director Department VI

How are you making a difference?

All members of the university – students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff – are invited to bring their perspective to this campaign. Please contact us via the form if you would like to submit your testimonial and to take us with you on the way to a more sustainable life. We look forward to receiving your ideas, ideally based on a specific example from your professional or private everyday life. After you have given your approval, the statements will be published on this website, on the Intranet and the university’s social media channels. You do not need to submit your own photo for this. We will approach you and arrange a professional photo to be taken.

* Mandatory fields
Lara Reimer, M.Sc.

Lara Reimer, M.Sc.

Consultant Sustainability Management
University of Mannheim
President's Office
68161 Mannheim