Working Group “Sustainability at the University of Mannheim”

The University of Mannheim currently focuses on implementing sustainability measures. Therefore, the working group “Sustainability at the University of Mannheim” was founded in the spring semester 2020. The working group considers the ideas of all university members, and coordinates and develops sustainability measures. It consists of representatives from all schools, academia, administration, and the student community. The working group convenes twice per semester. The Executive Vice President chairs the meetings whose participants are the representatives of

  • the Staff Council,
  • the University IT,
  • the general student committee (AStA),
  • the student organizations,
  • the Studierendenwerk Mannheim,
  • the administration,
  • the Sustainability Office, and
  • the Advisor for Sustainable Management,

among others.

The objective of the working group is to develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy for the University of Mannheim. Further, motivating all persons interested to participate and to establish a culture of sustainability at the university is of particular importance to the working group.

Working teams and focus areas

  • Research and Teaching

    Spokesperson: Renke Meyer / Established: 2020

    The working team deals with the implementation of sustainability measures in research and teaching, and with the connection of both fields. One of its main projects is the introduction of a program in sustainability (Studium Oecologicum in German) at the University of Mannheim. The program offers an interdisciplinary curriculum through which students are introduced to the topic of sustainability and get the opportunity to network with other university members.

    Future goals include establishing projects to foster the exchange on sustainability between researchers from the university and from other institutions, creating continuing education programs on sustainability as well as a Kids' University on the topic of sustainability.

  • Operations

    Spokesperson: Betty Kübe / Established: 2020

    The “Operations” working team deals with projects on sustainable management at the University of Mannheim. The Studierendenwerk, for example, runs projects on sustainable consumption at the university. One of them aimed at providing more vegetarian and vegan meals at the Mensa, and opening the greenes² cafe, which sells regional and sustainable food and drinks. Further, the team works on the topics of waste avoidance and energy efficiency at the university, and the introduction of green IT processes.

  • Governance and Social Affairs

    Spokesperson: Emilia Zickermann / Established: 2020

    The team contributed to adapting the Mission Statement of the University of Mannheim, and achieved that more emphasis is placed on sustainability. In addition, the team advocates for more participation of all university members. In 2022, the team co-organized the first Sustainability Festival at the University of Mannheim to promote social exchange. During the festival, students, staff members, and citizens were able to enjoy a colorful program of hands-on activities, information booths, and entertainment on the topic of sustainability.

  • Mobility

    Spokesperson: N.N. / Established: 2022

    The “Mobility” working team takes care of a topic that is essential to reduce the carbon footprint of the university. At the center of attention is the creation and implementation of a comprehensive concept of traveling and commuting (in accordance with normative requirements and the university’s administrative process). In particular, the team looks at climate-neutral mobility and at how to implement such concepts at the university. The goal is to provide sustainable alternatives and implement innovative concepts using digital solutions, for example.

People working on the sustainability strategy

Many people at the University of Mannheim are involved in the strategic and operational implementation of a university-wide sustainability strategy. You can get in touch with some of the responsible persons via e-mail.

Do you have any queries, requests or ideas for the working group “Sustainability at the University of Mannheim”? Feel free to get in touch with Lara Reimer.