
On this page you will find information on the various sustainable activities at the University of Mannheim.

Research and Teaching

Many schools and chairs do research on and teach about sustainability and the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Campus Operations

In the past few years, the university implemented various measures to cut CO₂ emissions.

Ways to Get Involved

Students, staff members, and everybody interested can contribute to making the university more sustainable.

 Prof. Dr. Moritz Fleischmann. Er lächelt, sein Hemd ist hellblau gestreift und er hat einen Schnurrbart.

In the “#SustainableUniMA – I will make a difference by ...” campaign, members of the University of Mannheim talk about what they do (or don’t do) to contribute to a more sustainable world.

Eine Person steht mitten in einem Raum. Sie wird mit einem Smartphone gefilmt und schaut direkt in die Kamera.
In the Media

University of Mannheim researchers are recognized experts on sustainability in the national and international media.