Archive 2023
This website refers to the past summer school of 2023.
The SMiP Summer School 2023 took place from 26 to 30 June, 2023, at the University of Mannheim, Germany. It was organized by the DFG funded Research Training Group on “Statistical Modeling in Psychology” (SMiP) in collaboration with the Interuniversity Graduate School of Psychometrics and Sociometrics (IOPS).
Content of the SMiP Summer School
The SMiP Summer School provided an in-depth introduction into advanced statistical models in psychology. Key elements of the summer school were
- an opening session,
- parallel workshops on various topics of quantitative methods and statistical modeling,
- plenary keynote talks,
- a poster session for participants of the summer school with senior researchers,
- a networking session for female participants, and
- social events.
To view the detailed program, click here.
Participation and Contact
The SMiP Summer School was targeted at young researchers in psychology with a special interest in statistical modeling and quantitative methods. The target group included doctoral researchers in the SMiP and IOPS programs, as well as doctoral and early-stage researchers from other programs and institutions.
Prerequisites for participation were advanced knowledge of quantitative methods and multivariate statistics, solid skills in data analysis, and general experience with R.
Coordinating team: Beatrice Kuhlmann, Thorsten Meiser, and Anke Söllner
Contact: SMiP_SummerSchool