Logo of the SMiP Summer School 2023
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This website refers to the past summer school of 2023.

Get-together “Women, increase your network!”

Date & TimeWednesday, June 28, starting at 6 p.m. (end by 9 p.m.)
LocationMannheim Palace, Rector's Courtyard (outside) or Fuchs-Petrolub Hall (O 138)
ParticipantsALL registered female participants of the Summer School are cordially invited
ContributorsLesa Hoffman, Sabine Sonnentag, Mirka Henninger & Esther Ulitzsch (panel discussion)
ModeratorsTheresa Koch & Anke Söllner
CateringDrinks & Finger Food

This networking event is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – GRK 2277 “Statistical Modeling in Psychology”.