Ongoing projects

The ifm is an interdisciplinary research institute with four focal points, which carries out research projects on current and structural SME-related topics.



TransforMA promotes the exchange between universities, companies and society to jointly shape transformation processes.


The KI-Garage (AI Garage) supports start-ups from research and universities in turning AI ideas into business models.


The DeepTechHub supports the networking of all relevant players in the regional ecosystem, the promotion of joint activities and the positioning as a deep tech location.


EXIST Women is an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) that encourages women to venture into self-employment.



Researches innovative business models in the sharing economy and their impact on sustainability.


Focuses on the role of decentralised forms of organisation and technologies (e.g. blockchain) for a fair, sustainable platform economy.

Impact of social innovations (ISI)

Establishes a permanent monitoring (panel) for social innovations and their effects.


Quality development through cooperative networks and cooperation portfolios.

SME Digital Centre Construction

 Supports small and medium-sized companies in the construction and property sector in their digital transformation.

Mittelstand 4.0 – Usability competence centre

Supports medium-sized companies in improving the usability of their machines, products and software solutions.

Labor market

Integrationsforschung 2.0

Integration research 2.0 uses new data sources to investigate the behavior and attitudes of migrants and natives.

Masterplan Mittelstand

The “Master Plan for SMEs” is working out how to maintain the competitiveness of SMEs in Baden-Württemberg.


With “EU4Business”, ifm supports Ukrainian SMEs to maintain competitiveness during the war and strengthen the economy.

Family firms

Benchmark family firms

With the support of KPMG and ifm-Förderkreis, ifm Mannheim analyzed the importance and economic strength of family businesses in eleven metropolitan regions in Germany.

Salary index for family businesses

Gabriela Jäcker GmbH and ifm Mannheim survey managers in family businesses.

TOP 500 family businesses in Germany

Since 2007, the development and economic relevance of the 500 largest family businesses have been regularly analysed over a period of 10 years.