Research at ifm
Research at ifm is defined by its interdisciplinary approach. Scientists collaborate on diverse projects with both German and international universities and industry partners. The team has published numerous high-quality scientific papers and is actively engaged in both the scientific and political communities.
- Hölzl, J., Keusch, F. and Sajons, C. (2025). The (mis)use of Google Trends data in the social sciences – A systematic review, critique, and recommendations. Social Science Research, 126, 1–22.
- Adomako, S., Zhu, F., Hsu, D. K., Istipliler, B. and Wiklund, J. (2024). Navigating environmental threats to new ventures: A regulatory fit approach to bricolage. Journal of Management Studies : JMS, 1–45.
- Castellanza, L. and Woywode, M. (2024). Types, determinants, and outcomes of entrepreneurial behaviours during crises. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 1–30.
- Dahlke, J., Beck, M., Kinne, J., Lenz, D., Dehghan, R., Wörter, M. and Ebersberger, B. (2024). Epidemic effects in the diffusion of emerging digital technologies: evidence from artificial intelligence adoption. Research Policy, 53, 1–24.
- Istipliler, B., Hauser, C., Calabrò, A. and Ahrens, J.-P. (2024). Sovereignty matters! Revisiting the family influence–stakeholder orientation relationship. Journal of small business and entrepreneurship : JSBE, 1–35.
- Kinne, J., Dehghan, R., Schmidt, S., Lenz, D. and Hottenrott, H. (2024). Location factors and ecosystem embedding of sustainability-engaged blockchain companies in the US. A web-based analysis. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 4, 1–18.
- Mula, C., Zybura, N. and Hipp, T. (2024). From digitalized start-up to scale-up: Opening the black box of scaling in digitalized firms towards a scaling process framework. Technological forecasting & social change, 202, 1–16.
- Suwala, L., Ahrens, J.-P. and Basco, R. (2024). Family firms, hidden champions and regional development. ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography, 68, 1–8.
- Zybura, J., Ahrens, J.-P., Istipliler, B., Woywode, M. and Kowalzick, M. (2024). It takes two to Tango – Conceptualizing the “succession dance” in family firms through social exchange theory. Journal of General Management.
- Istipliler, B., Ahrens, J.-P., Bort, S. and Isaak, A. (2023). Is exposure to the family firm always good for the next CEO? How successor pre-succession firm experience affects post-succession performance in family firms. Journal of Business Research : JBR, 167, 1–15.
- Istipliler, B., Ahrens, J.-P., Hauer, A., Steininger, D. M. and Woywode, M. (2023). Heroes of the Green Room – How Able Successors Revitalize and Reinvent Family Firms. Journal of Small Business Management.
- Istipliler, B., Bort, S. and Woywode, M. (2023). Flowers of adversity: Institutional constraints and innovative SMEs in transition economies. Journal of Business Research : JBR, 154.
- Istipliler, B., Hauer, A., Keese, D., Woywode, M. and Ahrens, J.-P. (2023). Childhood exposure to family firm and transgenerational orientation: Moderated mediation of affective commitment. Journal of Small Business Management, 1–44.
- Kowalzick, M., Ahrens, J.-P., Lauterbach, J. G. and Tang, Y. (2023). Overconfident CEOs in dire straits: How incumbent and successor CEOs’ overconfidence affects firm turnaround performance. Journal of Management Studies : JMS, 1–48.
- Kowalzick, M. and Appels, M. (2023). To change or not to change? Evidence on the steadiness of more hubristic CEOs. Journal of Management : JOM, 49, 2415-2454.
- Lanivich, S., Adomako, S., Ahsan, M., Istipliler, B. and Cox, K. C. (2023). Multidimensional cognitive style: Linking founders to firm performance through strategy and resource orchestration. Journal of Business Research : JBR, 166.
- Gottschalk, S. and Müller, B. (2022). A second chance for failed entrepreneurs: a good idea? Small Business Economics, 59, 745–767.
- Hartmann, C. and Philipp, R. (2022). Lost in space? Refugee entrepreneurship and cultural diversity in spatial contexts. ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography, 66, 151–171.
- Gerberich, C. W. and Woywode, M. (2021). Digitalisierungskompetenz in mittelständischen Unternehmen. Der Aufsichtsrat, 18, 127–129.
- Keusch, F., Leonard, M. M., Sajons, C. and Steiner, S. (2021). Using smartphone technology for research on refugees: Evidence from Germany. Sociological Methods & Research : SMR, 50, 1863-1894.
- Leicht, R. and Philipp, R. (2021). Lage und Entwicklung der mittelständischen Wirtschaft in Baden-Württemberg. Mittelstandsbericht des Landes Baden-Württemberg, 2021, 19–30.
- Oberg, A., Lefsrud, L. and Meyer, R. E. (2021). Organizational (issue) field perspective on climate change. Economic Sociology. Perspectives and Conversations, 22, 21–29.
- Zybura, J., Zybura, N., Ahrens, J.-P. and Woywode, M. (2021). Innovation in the post-succession phase of family firms: Family CEO successors and leadership constellations as resources. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 12.
- Aharonson, B. S., Bort, S. and Woywode, M. (2020). The influence of multinational corporations on international alliance formation behavior of colocated start-ups. Organization Science, 31, 770–795.
- Sakshaug, J. W., Beste, J., Coban, M., Fendel, T., Haas, G.-C., Hülle, S., Kosyakova, Y., König, C., Kreuter, F., Küfner, B., Müller, B., Osiander, C., Schwanhäuser, S., Stephan, G., Vallizadeh, E., Volkert, M., Wenzig, C., Westermeier, C., Zabel, C. and Zins, S. (2020). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on labor market surveys at the German Institute for Employment Research. Survey Research Methods : SRM, 14, 229–233.
- Kinne, J., Dehghan, R., Schmidt, S., Lenz, D. and Hottenrott, H. (2024). Location factors and ecosystem embedding of sustainability-engaged blockchain companies in the US. A web-based analysis. ZEW Discussion Papers, 24–023. Mannheim.
- Zielinski, F., Mildenberger, G., Rabadjieva, M., Sauerbier, E., Terstriep, J. and Wruk, D. (2024). Was sind soziale Innovationen und wie lassen sich ihre Impacts messen? Konzeptionelle Grundlagen für innovationsfeldspezifische Wirkmodelle. Heidelberg: Universität Heidelberg.
- Felfe, C., Kagerbauer, L., Müller, M., Sajons, C., Saurer, J. and Zwick, T. (2022). Mehr Ausbildung wagen!: Barrieren und Chancen für die Einstellung von Geflüchteten in deutschen Unternehmen. Policy brief, 1. Mannheim: Institut für Mittelstandsforschung der Universität Mannheim.
- Sajons, C., Philipp, R. and Hartmann, C. (2022). Selbständigkeit von Geflüchteten und Zugewanderten – Alternativer Weg in den Arbeitsmarkt oder berufliche Sackgasse? Policy brief, 2. Mannheim: Institut für Mittelstandsforschung der Universität Mannheim.
- Wruk, D. and Oberg, A. (2022). Wirkungen der Sharing Economy in Deutschland. i-share Report, 3. Mannheim.
- Mair, J., Veit, D. J. and Woywode, M. (2021). Arbeiten in der Sharing Economy in Deutschland. i-share Report, 2. Mannheim.
- Götz, A., Müller, B., Philipp, R. and Sajons, C. (2020). Evaluation des Integrationsmanagements in Baden-Württemberg : Module 1 und 2, Endbericht. Mannheim.
- Götz, A., Müller, B., Sajons, C. and Philipp, R. (2020). Evaluation des Integrationsmanagements : Module 1 und 2, Endbericht – Anhang. Mannheim.
- Ahrens, J.-P., Isaak, A., Istipliler, B., Rottler, M. and Steininger, D. M. (2021). Ultimate dream management: An innovative crowdfunding management technique for the creation of desired products. In , Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world : EURAM 2021, online conference, 16–18 June 2021; programme book (S. 188). , EURAM: Brussels.
- Istipliler, B., Ahrens, J.-P., Bort, S. and Isaak, A. (2020). Learning the bias? How successor pre-succession firm experience affects family. In , (S. 17032). Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management: Briarcliff Manor, NY.
- Rottler, M., Helmig, B. and Ahrens, J.-P. (2020). The biased crowd? Personality perceptions in crowdfunding. In , ICIS 2020 – Making Digital Inclusive: Blending the Local and the Global : India, December 13–16, 2020 (S. 1–9). , AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Ahrens, J. (2024). Organisational sustainability, governance, and time-insights from AI and Big Data. Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space, and People, Milano, Italy.
- Boukhabza, S., Istipliler, B., Müller, B. and Ouhadi, S. (2024). How Moroccan female entrepreneurs adapt to lead their family firms: Identity work in the face of role complexity. 44th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, BCERC, München, Germany.
- Boukhabza, S., Istipliler, B., Müller, B. and Ouhadi, S. (2024). Moroccan female successors as dominated dominants and their identity work activities in the face of role complexity. 40th EGOS Colloquium: Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space, and People, Milano, Italy.
- Istipliler, B. (2024). Entrepreneurship as an ill-defined design domain and impact of prior experiences on entrepreneurial performance. 40th EGOS Colloquium: Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space, and People, Milano, Italy.
- Istipliler, B. (2024). Know-what or know-how to venture? Ill-definedness of entrepreneurship and role of experiences. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2024, Chicago, IL.
- Park, K. . and Istipliler, B. (2024). Better shot?: Impact of gender quota on female entrepreneurship, evidence from Germany. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2024, Chicago, IL.
- Reif, T., Hossnofsky, V., Junge, S., Riefolo, M. and Ahrens, J.-P. (2024). Navigating succession: Unveiling predecessor preferences for successor attributes in family firms. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2024, Chicago, IL.
- Ahrens, J.-P., Istipliler, B., Isaak, A. and Bort, S. (2023). Rethinking the merits of family firm exposure of the CEO prior to family business succession. 18th EISAM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research: Balancing financial and non-financial wealth, Neapel, Italy.
- Ahrens, J.-P., Onneken, F., Rottler, M., Strohmeyer, R. and Torchia, M. (2023). Gender equality in firm leadership worldwide: Where are we now and how do family and non-family firms differ? 26. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum) 2023, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Boukhabza, S., Istipliler, B., Müller, B. and Ouhadi, S. (2023). “Identity work in progress”: How Moroccan female successors adapt to lead their family firms? 26. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum) 2023, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Burgstaller, L., Müller, B., Sajons, C. and Sarikaya, E. (2023). Discrimination against migrant entrepreneurs in the finance sector. Experimental evidence from Germany. Migrant Entrepreneurship: developments at the intersection of policy and practice, Bologna, Italy.
- Dehghan, R., Schmidt, S. and Schwierzy, J. (2023). 3D printing and sustainability: A web analysis approach. Informatik Festival 2023, 53. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Berlin, Germany.
- Hartmann, C., Güllü, E. and Schilling, K. (2023). Inclusive or exclusive? Investigating discourses in the entrepreneurship ecosystem for refugee entrepreneurs in Germany. MIGRENT Migrant Entrepreneurship, State of the art and perspectives, Paris, France.
- Isaak, A., Bort, S. and Woywode, M. (2023). Hype and regulative legitimacy in contested markets: The case of bitcoin trading. 26. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum) 2023, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Istipliler, B., Hauer, A., Keese, D., Woywode, M. and Ahrens, J.-P. (2023). Childhood exposure to family firm and transgenerational orientation: Moderated mediation of affective commitment. 26. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum) 2023, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Kinne, J., Dehghan, R., Schmidt, S., Lenz, D. and Hottenrott, H. (2023). Location factors and ecosystem embedding of sustainability-engaged blockchain companies in the US. A web-based analysis. The Symposium on Spatiotemporal Data Science, Cambridge, MA.
- Kowalzick, M., Appels, M. and Woywode, M. (2023). A moral foundations perspective on CEO political ideology and (ir)responsible behavior. EGOS 2023, 39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy.
- Kowalzick, M., Appels, M. and Woywode, M. (2023). A moral foundations perspective on CEO political ideology and moral behavior. EURAM 2023, European Academy of Management Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
- Kowalzick, M., Appels, M. and Woywode, M. (2023). A moral foundations perspective on CEO political ideology and moral behavior. AOM 2023, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, MA.
- Mehltretter, J., Keusch, F. and Sajons, C. (2023). Sustainable trend or trending mayfly? A systematic literature review and guidelines on using Google trends data for social science research. ESRA 2023 Conference, European Survey Research Association Conference, Milano, Italy.
- Mehltretter, J., Keusch, F. and Sajons, C. (2023). What do racists google? A systematic approach to selecting and validating Google trends data using the example of xenophobic attitudes. 25th General Online Research Conference 2023 (GOR 23), Kassel, Germany.
- Mehltretter, J., Keusch, F. and Sajons, C. (2023). What do racists google? Systematic approach to selecting and validating Google trends data using the example of xenophobic attitudes. 78th Annual AAPOR Conference, American Association for Public Opinion Research, Philadelphia, PA.
- Mula, C., Zybura, N. and Hipp, T. (2023). The Scaling process: How do high-tech start-ups transform during scaling? AOM 2023, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, MA.
- Müller, B. and Stamm, I. (2023). The status of women in entrepreneurial groups: A relational perspective on gender inequalities in new business. 5th ZEW Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (CoDE), Mannheim, Germany.
- Zybura, N., Müller, B. and Gottschalk, S. (2023). Innovation activities after CEO succession in family firms: A longitudinal perspective. EuFBC Seminar #67, Online.
- Ahrens, J.-P., Istipliler, B. and Kowalzick, M. (2022). The ATALANTA algorithm. 5th International Family Business Research Forum, Hasselt, Belgium.
- Dahlke, J., Beck, M., Kinne, J., Lenz, D., Dehghan, R., Wörter, M. and Ebersberger, B. (2022). When is AI adoption contagious? Epidemic effects and relational embeddedness in the inter-firm diffusion of artificial intelligence. R&D 2022 Management Conference “Innovation for People and Territories”., Trento, Italy.
- Istipliler, B., Ahrens, J.-P., Hauer, A., Steininger, D. M. and Woywode, M. (2022). Fusing contingency theory and upper echelon theory – for a new perspective on the critical juncture of family firm succession. IECER 2022, Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research, 20th Annual Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
- Istipliler, B., Ahrens, J.-P., Hauer, A., Steininger, D. M. and Woywode, M. (2022). Fusing contingency theory and upper echelon theory for a new perspective on the critical juncture of family firm succession. 5th International Family Business Research Forum, Hasselt, Belgium.
- Mula, C., Hipp, T. and Zybura, N. (2022). Towards a scaling process: How do high-tech start-ups transform during scaling? Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER 2022), Maastricht, The Netherlands.
- Rottler, M., Ahrens, J.-P., Strohmeyer, R. and Onneken, F. (2022). Female leadership in family firms. EQUA Stipendiatenkolloquium 2022, München, Germany.
- Zybura, N., Müller, B. and Gottschalk, S. (2022). Innovation activities after CEO succession in family firms: A longitudinal perspective. 5th International Family Business Research Forum, Hasselt, Belgium.
- Ahrens, J.-P., Basco, R. and Suwala, L. (2021). Family firms, hidden champions and regional development : the way ahead; special session and introduction to special issue. Regions in recovery : Building Sustainable Futures – Global E-Festival, Online.
- Castellanza, L. and Woywode, M. (2021). Resilience among the Disadvantaged: How losses influence the post crisis behaviors of Cameroonian entrepreneurs. unCONVENTIONal IECER, IECER 2021 – Virtual Community Conversation Vol. II, Online.
- Stamm, I., Bernhard, F., Ahrens, J.-P. and Istipliler, B. (2021). Examining the relational embeddedness of entrepreneurs' marital attitudes: What do entrepreneurs expect from their spouses? And how do family entrepreneurs differ? International Family Enterprise Research Academy, IFERA, Online.
- Stamm, I., Bernhard, F., Ahrens, J.-P. and Istipliler, B. (2021). What do entrepreneurs expect from their spouses? And how do family entrepreneurs differ? EURAM 2021 European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Online.
- Stamm, I., Bernhard, F., Ahrens, J.-P. and Istipliler, B. (2021). What do entrepreneurs expect from their spouses? And how do family entrepreneurs differ? Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER 2021), 19th Annual Conference, Online.
- Zybura, N., Müller, B. and Gottschalk, S. (2021). Innovation activities after CEO succession in family firms: A longitudinal perspective. Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2021 (AOM), Online.
- Ahrens, J.-P., Isaak, A., Istipliler, B., Rottler, M. and Steininger, D. M. (2020). Exchanges about dreams: Towards a new management technique for crowdfunding. 24. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), Online.
- Ahrens, J.-P., Isaak, A., Istipliler, B., Rottler, M. and Steininger, D. M. (2020). Exchanges about dreams: Towards a new management technique for crowdfunding. 18th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Online.
- Ahrens, J.-P., Kowalzick, M., Lauterbach, J. G. and Petriglieri, J. L. (2020). Business on the line: Entrepreneurs and family firms in crises. 18th IECER Entrepreneurship Conference, Online.
- Ahrens, J.-P., Kowalzick, M., Lauterbach, J. G. and Petriglieri, J. L. (2020). Business on the line: Entrepreneurs and family firms in crises. 24. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), Online.
- Ahrens, J.-P., Kowalzick, M., Lauterbach, J. G. and Petriglieri, J. L. (2020). How leader identity content and social context shape turnaround performance. EURAM 2020, European Academy of Management, 20th Annual Conference 2020, Online.
- Ahrens, J.-P., Kowalzick, M., Lauterbach, J. G. and Petriglieri, J. L. (2020). Identity and crisis behavior of entrepreneurial and family firms. 6th International Research Forum on Mittelstand – Exploring Entrepreneurial Ventures, Family Firms, and Hidden Champions, Online.
- Istipliler, B., Ahrens, J.-P., Bort, S. and Isaak, A. (2020). Learning the bias? How successor pre-succession firm experience affects family firm performance. International Family Enterprise Research Academy, IFERA, Online.
- Istipliler, B., Ahrens, J.-P., Bort, S. and Isaak, A. (2020). Learning the bias? How successor pre-succession firm experience affects family firm performance. 10. Konferenz der deutschsprachigen Forschungszentren und Institute für Familienunternehmen, FIFU, Witten, Germany.
- Istipliler, B., Ahrens, J.-P., Hauser, C. and Calabrò, A. (2020). Role of sovereignty goals in explaining stakeholder orientation in family firms. International Family Enterprise Research Academy, IFERA, Online.
- Kowalzick, M., Ahrens, J.-P., Lauterbach, J. G. and Tang, Y. (2020). How incumbent and successor CEO overconfidence affects firm turnaround performance. EUROAM 2020, European Academy of Management, 20th Annual Conference 2020, Online.
- Kowalzick, M. and Appels, M. (2020). Risk-takers – what else? CEO hubris, risk-taking, and strategic renewal. 20th EURAM Annual Conference, Online.
- Park, K. ., Ahrens, J.-P., Woywode, M. and Istipliler, B. (2020). Impact of human capital of successors in family post-succession changes. 18th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Online.
- Park, K. ., Ahrens, J.-P., Woywode, M. and Istipliler, B. (2020). Rolling stone gathers no moss: The role of change in the successions of family firms. EURAM 2020, European Academy of Management, 20th Annual Conference 2020, Online.
- Rottler, M., Helmig, B. and Ahrens, J.-P. (2020). Exclusive crowdfunding: Resource provision bias and social categorization discrimination. 24. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), Online.
- Rottler, M., Helmig, B. and Ahrens, J.-P. (2020). Perceived personality in online funding decisions: A socioanalytic lens on crowdfunding. 6th International Research Forum on Mittelstand, Online.
- Schöllhorn, T. and Oberg, A. (2020). Organizing the wisdom of crowds: How Wikipedia helps to theorize and legitimize the blockchain. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2020, Online.
- Schöllhorn, T., Wruk, D. and Oberg, A. (2020). How fields overlap: An exploratory study of relational and symbolic connections between three fields. 16th New Institutionalism in Organization Theory Workshop, Odense, Denmark.
- Schöllhorn, T., Wruk, D. and Oberg, A. (2020). How fields overlap: An exploratory study of relational and symbolic connections between three fields. 36th EGOS – European Group of Organizational Studies Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany.
- Vith, S., Oberg, A., Berwing, S., Höllerer, M. A. and Wruk, D. (2020). Sociocultural meaning, urban space, and the formation of the sharing economy. 16th New Institutionalism in Organization Theory Workshop, Odense, Denmark.
- Vith, S., Oberg, A., Berwing, S., Höllerer, M. A. and Wruk, D. (2020). Sociocultural meaning, urban space, and the formation of the sharing economy. 36th EGOS – European Group of Organizational Studies Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany.
- Krlev, G., Wruk, D., Pasi, G. and Bernhard, M. (eds.) (2023). Social economy science : transforming the economy and making society more resilient. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Maurer, I., Mair, J. and Oberg, A. (2020). Theorizing the sharing economy: variety and trajectories of new forms of organizing. Bingley [u.a.]: Emerald.
- Tänzler, J. K. and Hauer, A. (2025). Soziale Nachhaltigkeit in Familienunternehmen der Bekleidungsindustrie – Eine kritische Diskussion am Beispiel des Unternehmens Trigema. In SDG 8: Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum (S. ). : Springer Nature.
- Ahrens, J. (2024). Performance : performance theory and performance concepts between achievement, profit, and sustainability. In Elgar encyclopedia of family business (S. 330–334). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Ahrens, J.-P., Onneken, F., Rottler, M., Strohmeyer, R. and Torchia, M. (2024). Gender equality in firm leadership worldwide: Where are we now and how do family and non-family firms differ? In Women in family business : New perspectives, contexts and roles (S. 21–62). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Tänzler, J. K. and Hauer, A. (2024). The past catches up with everyone: legal failures of the previous generation threaten a family firm’s future. In Case Studies in Family Business Overcoming Destructive Conflict, Deviance, and Dysfunction in the Family Firm (S. 138–146). Cheltenham [u.a.]: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Ahrens, J.-P. and Hauer, A. (2023). Die 500 größten Familienunternehmen in Deutschland. In Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Familienunternehmen (S. 37–70). München: Stiftung Familienunternehmen.
- Krlev, G., Wruk, D., Pasi, G. and Bernhard, M. (2023). Social economy: Between common identity and accelerating social change. In Social economy science : transforming the economy and making society more resilient (S. 37–68). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Hipp, T., Mula, C. and Zybura, N. (2022). Perspectives on startup-corporate partnerships' value creation: An overview on different types of partnerships and practices. In Corporate-Startup-Partnerschaften (S. 135–145). Berlin: Springer Gabler.
- Oberg, A., Powell, W. W. and Schöllhorn, T. (2022). Representations of self in the digital public sphere: The field of social impact analyzed through relational and discursive moves. In Digital transformation and institutional theory (S. 167–196). Bingley: Emerald.
- Oberg, A., Wruk, D. and Friedrich-Schieback, M. (2022). Das i-share Wirkungsmodell. In Wirkungen der Sharing Economy in Deutschland (S. 9–17). Mannheim: .
- Ballarini, K., Keese, D. and Hauer, A. (2021). Unternehmensnachfolge. In Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Mittel- und Kleinbetriebe : größenspezifische Probleme und Möglichkeiten zu ihrer Lösung (S. 455–483). Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.
- Isaak, A., Bort, S. and Woywode, M. (2021). The geoeconomics of cryptocurrencies: an institutional perspective. In The economics of cryptocurrencies (S. 90–102). London ; Milton: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
- Woywode, M. (2021). Ein Kompetenzzentrum für die mittelständische Wirtschaft: Das Institut für Mittelstandsforschung der Universität Mannheim. In Eine Universität für die Gesellschaft : 75 Jahre Neubegründung Wirtschaftshochschule und Universität Mannheim (S. 138–140). Ubstadt-Weiher: verlag regionalkultur.
- Ahrens, J. (2020). The succession question and the family firm: a theoretical, conceptual, and historical reflection. In European entrepreneurship research and practice (S. 109–139). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Hartmann, C. and Güllü, E. (2020). Selbständigkeit als Weg der Arbeitsmarktintegration: Perspektiven aus dem Gründungsökosystem. In Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflüchteten : Handbuch für Praktiker aus öffentlicher Verwaltung, Kammern und Zivilgesellschaft (S. 110–119). Eschborn: AWV-Verlag.
- Maurer, I., Mair, J. and Oberg, A. (2020). Variety and trajectories of new forms of organizing in the sharing economy: A research agenda. In Theorizing the sharing economy (S. 1–23). Bingley [u.a.]: Emerald.
- Oberg, A. and Korff, V. P. (2020). Relationales Denken im Neo-Institutionalismus. In Neo-Institutionalismus : Kritik und Weiterentwicklung eines sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungprogramms (S. 191–218). Bielefeld: transcript.
- Tänzler, J. K. and Hauer, A. (2020). Gewaschen wird immer: Management mit mehreren Familiengesellschaftern. In Fallstudien zum Management von Familienunternehmen : Teaching Cases für Lehre und praktische Anwendung (S. 253–269). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden – Springer Gabler.
- Wruk, D., Schöllhorn, T. and Oberg, A. (2020). Is the sharing economy a field? How a disruptive field nurtures sharing economy organizations. In Theorizing the sharing economy : variety and trajectories of new forms of organizing (S. 131–162). Bingley [u.a.]: Emerald Publishing.