Dr. Christoph Sajons

Short profile
Christoph Sajons studied Economics in Freiburg, Germany, and at Yale University, Connecticut, USA. In 2012, he completed his PhD thesis on “Topics in Immigration Economics and Political Economy” at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Following positions as Senior Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Freiburg and the Walter Eucken Research Institute, he came to the Institute for SME Research of the University of Mannheim in 2018. Since the beginning of 2020, he leads the newly designed research unit “Labor market and self-employment”.
His current work focuses on the areas of immigration and labor economics as well as on testing and applying innovative methods for empirical research in Economics and the Social Sciences.
Research interests
- Labor economics
- Migration economics
- Political economy
- Experimental economics
- Applied econometrics
Current projects
- Evaluation of the integration management in Baden-Württemberg
- Aspiring migrant entrepreneurs in Germany -Potentials and pitfalls in the start-up process
- Skilled workers of the future or long-term marginalized? Possibilities for the integration of low-skilled refugees
Articles in refereed journals
- Does granting citizenship to immigrant children affect family outmigration?, Journal of Population Economics, 2016, 29: 395–420.
- Birthright citizenship and parental labor market integration, Labour Economics, 2019, 57: 1–22.
- Using smartphone technology for research on refugees – Evidence from Germany, (with Florian Keusch, Mariel Leonard, and Susan Steiner), forthcoming at Sociological Methods and Research.
Further publications
Essays in Immigration Economics and Political Economy, Ph.D. thesis, Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2011.
Working Papers
- “End–of–year” spending and the long-run effects of training programs for the unemployed, IZA Discussion Paper No. 10441 (with Bernd Fitzenberger and Marina Furdas).
- Information on the ballot, voter satisfaction, and election turnout, Freiburg Discussion Papers on Constitutional Economics, 16/
05. - Unregistered work among refugees – Evidence from a list experiment in Germany (with Annabelle Dörr and Carina Hartmann)
- Electing Parents (with Jan Meyer and Stephan Wolf).
Work in progress
- Reduced retirement age – Off we go!? (with Natalie Laub)
- Candidates’ professions and the gender gap in parliaments – Experimental Evidence (with Jakob de Lazzer)
- The conservatism paradox – Why conservative migrants vote for progressive parties (with Omar Flayyih and Mariel Leonard)
Research reports
- Birthright citizenship and education – Do immigrant children need a passport to thrive? (with Irma Clots-Figueras).
- Fakten statt Stimmungslage – Malteser Migrationsbericht 2017 (with Lars P. Feld, Annabelle Dörr and Patrick Hirsch).
- Die Arbeitsmarktsituation von Flüchtlingen – Empirische Evidenz auf Basis einer Umfrage unter geflüchteten Menschen in Baden-Württemberg (with Annabelle Dörr, Omar Flayyih, Florian Keusch and Susan Steiner).
- Potenziale und Hemmnisse der Integration von Geflüchteten in den baden-württembergischen Arbeitsmarkt (with Carina Hartmann and René Leicht).
- Verein für Socialpolitik
- European Society for Population Economics