SCANCOR Public Morning Lectures on Institutional Analysis

Credit: Oana Szekely
Monday, August 26
- Civic Life Reexamined: How Do Organizational Practices Influence Participation? (Walter W. Powell, Stanford University)
- Do We Need Institutional Macroscopes for Climate Science? (Achim Oberg, University of Hamburg)
Tuesday, August 27
- Practical Long-Termism: Beyond Philosophy to Practice (Bruce G. Carruthers, Northwestern University)
- Showcasing the University: Museums and the Publicness of Academic Knowledge (Gili S. Drori, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Wednesday, August 28
- Collective Robust Action in the Face of Divisions and Marginality: An Analysis of City Resilience Strategies (Renate E. Meyer, WU Vienna)
- When the Winner Can’t Take All: The Platformization of Industrial Production (Gernot Grabher, HafenCity University)
Thursday, August 29
- In the Eyes of the Beholder: Corporate Calls to Action and Mobilization (Sarah A. Soule, Stanford University)
- When Fields Overlap: Relational and Symbolic Connections and Their Outcomes (Dominika Wruk, University of Mannheim)
Friday, August 30
- Higher Education and Environmental Outcomes (Patricia Bromley, Stanford University)
- Institutional Renewal: The Public Library in a Multimodal Perspective (Silviya Svejenova Velikova, Copenhagen Business School)
All morning lectures are open to the public and free for everbody. Please register here for specific days: