Encrypt Your laptop with Bitlocker

Encrypt your laptop to protect it against unauthorized access from third parties, e.g. in case of theft. However, your encryption is only as secure as your password for your laptop account. Please make sure to use a secure password.

  • Turn on Bitlocker for your laptop

    Step 1:

    Login as administrator.

    Select “Settings” (gear symbol) in the Windows menu.

    Step 2:

    Enter the term “Control panel” into the search field and search for the term.

    Step 3:

    Select “System and security”.

    Step 4:

    Follow the subsection: BitLocker drive encryption

    Step 5:

    Click on “Turn on BitLocker”.

    Step 6:

    Print the recovery key and store it at a secure location.

    The recovery key is very important. If you forget your password and you do not have the key, you cannot access your device any more.

    Step 7:

    Only encrypt the used disk space of new devices (first option). If you already use your laptop, it is best to encrypt the entire drive (second option).

    Step 8:

    Allow Bitlocker to run a system check to ensure that the disk space/drive can be encrypted.

    Step 9:

    You must restart your computer to apply these changes.

    Step 10:

    If you want to you can check your settings.

    • Search for “Settings” (gear symbol) in the Windows menu.
    • Search for “System control” in the Windows settings
    • Go to “System and security”
    • Select BitLocker drive encryption

    If you have done everything correctly, it will look like this:

Older devices may not contain a TPM chip yet. If you encounter problems when turning on Bitlocker, please contact the IT Support.

Telephone: 00 490621 181-3565

E-mail: itsupportmail-uni-mannheim.de