How To Use Whiteboard
Microsoft Whiteboard is a digital canvas where you can visualize ideas, work creatively with notes, shapes, templates, and document meeting outcomes. The University of Mannheim offers its employees and students Whiteboard as app in Windows 10, Android or iOS. In addition, you also have the option to use Whiteboard in your browser or in Microsoft Teams.
How can I use Microsoft Whiteboard in my browser?
In your browser, go to and enter your login information. Please use Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome since these browsers have the highest compatibility with the Office 365 tools.
How can I login?
Login employees and doctoral students
Login studentsOpen the “All apps” overview and select Whiteboard:
What are the features of Whiteboard?
How can I create a whiteboard in a team or chat?
How can I use the whiteboard in a meeting?
If you are in a meeting on Microsoft Teams, you can click “Share content” and select “Microsoft Whiteboard”.
The whiteboard created during the meeting will be saved with the name of the meeting. You can also access the file after the meeting has ended, see “How can I access my whiteboards?”
How can I rename a whiteboard?
How can I access my whiteboards?
How can I export a whiteboard?
How can I invite others to collaborate with me on a whiteboard?
Can I also use the desktop app?