
News on Sustainability

Studentin mit Laptop auf einer Parkbank
Sustainability award from the Mannheim Business development
The Department of Economic and Structural Development will award 500 euros to one Bachelor's and one Master's or admission thesis that deals with the topic of sustainability. The submission deadline is 15 November 2024.
Grafik zur Kinder-Uni mit bunten Sprechblasen.
Kids' University in the Fall Semester
Is university just for grown-ups? It's different at Kids' University! From 16 to 27 September, registration for the Kid's University at the University of Mannheim is open.
Zwei Menschen, einer davon mit Karohemd, einer mit blauem Tshirt, sitzen auf der Mensawiese auf einem Baustamm und schauen auf ein Laptop. Im Hintergrund sieht man viel Begrünung
Registration for the Studium Oecologicum
You are interested in sustainability? Then the certificate course Studium Oecologicum is just right for you! The one-year program starts at 27 September, is free of charge and open to all bachelor's and master's students of the University of Mannheim. It includes various events, such as lectures, ...
Menschen sitzen in einem Vortragssaal und hören einem Vortrag zu, der auf eine große Leinwand projiziert wird. Eine Person steht vorne und spricht.
Start of the Guest Student Program: Welcome Event and Specialist Lecture
On Thursday, 29 August, at 11:15 a.m., a welcome event for the Guest Student Program of the University of Mannheim will take place in lecture hall SN 163 (Mannheim Schloss). The event is aimed at anyone who is already participating in the program or would like to learn more about it. No registration ...
Im Vordergrund sieht man Container, im Hintergrund fahren Schiffe durch den Suez-Kanal
New Project to Improve the Supply Chain Act
The project on improving the supply chain act in Germany and the EU (“Verbesserungen des Lieferkettengesetzes in Deutschland und der EU”) is funded by the University of Mannheim and based at the Department of Philosophy.
Junge Frau mit Tablet im Arm lächelt in die Kamera
University Commits to Appointing More Women
The University of Mannheim joins the voluntary commitment of the German Rectors’ Conference to achieve more gender equality in appointments
Study on EU Climate Policy Shows that Pricing Carbon Dioxide Is an Effective Tool for Reducing French Producers’ Emissions
A study conducted by the EPoS Economic Research Center at the Universities of Mannheim and Bonn shows that EU emissions trading works.
Ein Plüschpanda sitzt in einem farbenfrohen Spielzelt auf bunten Schaumstoff-Puzzlematten. Vor ihm ist ein aufgeschlagenes, illustriertes Buch, in das er scheinbar vertieft liest.
Childcare for Saturday Exams
To make it easier for students and examination supervisors to take part in Saturday exams, the Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity and kinderlandnet gGmbH have launched a new childcare service. On the four Saturdays, on which examinations will take place, (8 June, 15 June, 24 August ...
Der Preisträger Jan Schweers (mitte) mit Bildungsbürgermeister Dirk Grunert (links) und Wirtschaftsbürgermeister Thorsten Riehle (rechts).
Students of the University of Mannheim Receive the City of Mannheim’s Sustainability Award
For the second time, the City of Mannheim has honored students for their final theses on sustainability. At the University of Mannheim, Jan Schweers, a master’s student, and Jennifer Hahn, an alumna, have received this year’s Sustainability Award.
Vor dem Ostflügel des Mannheimer Schlosses wurde die Progress Pride Flag gehisst. Sie wird auch erweiterte Regenbogenflagge genannt. Daneben weht die dunkelblaue Fahne der Universität Mannheim.
IDAHOBITA* 2024 – Day of Action Against Queerphobia
On 17 May, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, Transphobia, and A-phobia (IDAHOBITA*) will take place. The aim of the day of action is to demand respect and acceptance for queer people while also highlighting the discrimination and persecution they face. At the ...