The Mannheim Center for Data Science was established as an institute of the University of Mannheim by resolution of the Senate on 4 March 2020. Members of the founding board of directors are Prof. Dr. Frauke Kreuter, Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl, Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt and Prof. Dr. Jutta Mata. The profile professorship “Data Science in Economics and Social Sciences”, held by Prof. Dr. Markus Strohmaier since January 2022, also cooperates closely with the MCDS.
Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Heiner Stuckenschmidt is professor at the University of Mannheim and holds the chair of Artificial Intelligence. The research focus of the chair is on knowledge technologies, Semantic Web and Artificial Intelligence. He is Managing Director of the MCDS. More...
Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl
Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl holds the Chair of Quantitative Marketing and Consumer Behavior at the University of Mannheim. The chair concentrates on the application of analytical and empirical modelling techniques to answer business management questions with high management relevance. More...
Prof. Dr. Markus Strohmaier
Markus Strohmaier holds the Chair of Data Science in the Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim. The chair's research focuses on the development and application of computational techniques for research tasks at the interface between computer science and the economic and social sciences. More...
Prof. Dr. Frauke Kreuter
Frauke Kreuter is the Professor of Statistics and Data Science in Social Sciences and the Humanities at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. Prior to this position she held the Professorship for Social Data Science and Methodology at the School of Social Sciences of the University of Mannheim to which she remains closely connected. Moreover, she is the founder of the International Program for Survey and Data Science jointly offered by the University of Mannheim and the Joint Program in Survey Methodology. She served on the MCDS Board of Directors from 2020 to 2023 and was instrumental in establishing the Center. More...
Prof. Dr. Jutta Mata
Prof. Dr. Jutta Mata has been Professor of Health Psychology at the University of Mannheim since September 2015. Her research focuses on changes in health behaviour, environmental influences and the effects of health behaviour. Her research interests include the use and effects of mHealth and online social networks on health behaviour and mental health. She served on the MCDS Board of Directors from 2020 to 2024 and was instrumental in establishing the Center. More...