International Program in Survey and Data Science
Customized continuing education for specialists in the field of data collection and data analysis
If your job includes working with data and you want to enhance your skills in this area, the International Program in Survey and Data Science offers you a unique opportunity: Developed by international experts on the basis of intensive research, government sponsored, and multi-certified, IPSDS provides you with a scientifically based continuing education at the highest level. IPSDS graduates are perfectly prepared to tackle fundamental changes in survey and Big Data generation, integration, and processing.
Interactive Learning on your own schedule
IPSDS combines the best of both world: individuel, flexible online learning and rewarding intercation with small classes of motivated people from all over the world. We know that it can be challenging to combine continuing education with a full-time employment and/
Benefit from our experience and reputation
IPSDS is jointly offered by the Mannheim Center for Data Science (University of Mannheim) and the Joint Program in Survey Methodology, a consortium of the University of Maryland, the University of Michigan, and Westat. In Mannheim, the Service&Marketing GmbH of the University of Mannheim takes over the administrative support.
Our courses
Our courses are divided into five focus areas:
- Research Design
- Data Generating Process
- Data Curation Storage
- Data Analysis
- Data Output/
The wide range of courses guarantees that you gain a thorough understanding of the entire subject area throughout the program. On average, each study period (spring, summer, and fall) includes two to three courses that vary between four and 12 weeks in duration. ECTS credits are awarded accordingly.
All of our courses are taught online and in English. Please find our complete course catalog at the website of our operating partner, the Service&Marketing GmbH of the University of Mannheim.
Course catalog and registration coming soon!
Our faculty
IPSDS courses are held by academics from renown universities and practitioners from leading companies.
University of Mannheim and LMU Munich
University of Maryland and University of Michigan
Other universities
Executive faculty board
Industry partners and Official Statistics
- Ashley Amaya (Pew Research Center)
- Manfred Antoni (Institute for Employment Research)
- Stefan Bender (Deutsche Bundesbank)
- Jernej Berzelak (National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia)
- Hanna Brenzel (Destatis)
- Piet Daas (Statistics Netherlands)
- Jörg Drechsler (Institute for Employment Research)
- Emily Geisen (Qualtrics)
- Mirjan Kummerow (GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)
- Marco Puts (Statistics Netherlands)
- Benjamin M. Reist (NASA)
- Jennifer Romano-Bergstrom (Google)
- Joseph Sakshaug (Institute for Employment Research)
- Gina K. Walejko (Google)
- Stefan Zins (Institute for Employment Research)
Past faculty
- Laura Boeschoten (Utrecht University)
- Brian Kim (University of Maryland)
- Carolina de los Angeles Casas-Cordero Valencia (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)
- Heiner Stuckenschmidt (University of Mannheim)
- Christoph Kilian Theil (University of Mannheim)
- Jeffrey Gonzalez (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
- Robert Fay (Westat)
- Thorsten Meiser (University of Mannheim)
- Frederick Conrad (University of Michigan)
- Carolina Franco (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Steven Heeringa (University of Michigan)
- James Lepkowski (University of Michigan)
- Louis Rizzo (Westat)
- Roger Tourangeau (Westat)
- Richard Valliant (University of Michigan)
- Ting Yan (Westat)
- Daniel Oberski (Utrecht University)
- Jill Dever (RTI)
- Mario Callegaro (Google)
- Simon Munzert (Hertie School of Governance Berlin)
The International Program in Survey and Data Science (IPSDS) was initiated as a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in 2014 to establish an online study program for working professionals in survey methodology and data science. Tailored to the needs of working professionals, we offer a modular and multidisciplinary curriculum, a web-based learning environment with small class sizes and world-class faculty. All courses are offered as single courses or as part of an EMOS certified Master program. Core program partners are the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland (USA) and Mannheim Business School at the University of Mannheim (Germany).
IPSDS Research and Publications
IPSDS Project 2/ 2018–12/2020
Kreuter, F., Frößinger, K., Samoilova, E., Keusch, F. (2018): “Survey and Data Science” – Ein neuer, berufsbegleitender Studiengang (Fallbeispiel eines “flipped classroom” Online-Programms). In Handbuch der Aus- und Weiterbildung. Aktualisierungslieferung Nr. 304, Oktober 2018 (2434, pp. 43–68). München: Beck
Kreuter, F. (2018): Master in Data Science. In Bildungsbrief. Informationen für die Personalarbeit 2/
2018, 11–12, Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst. Köln Preprint Assessment Reports
2020 Assessment Report: IPSDS in Times of Corona [IPSDS Assessment Report #08].
2020 Program Assessment Report [IPSDS Assessment Report #07].
2018 Program Assessment Report: Reviewing one year milestone survey results [IPSDS Assessment Report #06].
2018 Program Assessment Report: Target group and accepted test-cohorts (1–3) [IPSDS Assessment Report #05].
2018 Program Assessment Report: Post-course survey evaluation [IPSDS Assessment Report #04].
2018 Program Assessment Report: Assessing Student Success and Retention [IPSDS Assessment Report #03]
(June 23, 2020) Frauke Kreuter, “Datenschätze”; TDWI (Transforming Data with Intelligence) Europe Virtual, online
(October 24, 2019) IPSDS-Team, “Big Faculty Meeting”; Big Faculty Meeting, online
(May 07, 2019) Karin Frößinger, “International Program in Survey and Data Science – An environment for training and cooperation”; Universität Mannheim, 2. Tag der Lehre „Lehre im Wandel – kreativ, digital, international“, Mannheim
(April 04, 2019) Darya Leshenko, “Corporate Presentation”; Camelot Management Consultants: Präsentation Projekt und Studiengang, Mannheim
(January 16, 2019) Frauke Kreuter, “Welcome to Q&A”; online seminar “Question and Answer Session 2019”, online
(July 5, 2018) Frauke Kreuter, “Training – Survey and Data Science”; Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, Australien
IPSM Project 8/ 2014–1/2018
Assessment Reports
2017 Program Assessment Report: Flipping classroom in online courses for working professionals: challenges and opportunities for student engagement [IPSDS Assessment Report #02]
2017 Program Assessment Report: Target group and accepted test-cohorts (1–2)
Abstract: The funding of the project allowed for accepting 2 test-cohorts (in total 31 students) who were allowed to take IPSDS courses at no costs in exchange for participation in the evaluation. The goal of this report is to compare the planned target group of the project and the accepted test-cohorts (prior to their program participation). [IPSDS Assessment Report #01]
(August 3, 2017) Frauke Kreuter, “Using Big Data to Improve Official Economic Statistics”; Joint Statistical Meeting, Baltimore
(July 3, 2017) Frauke Kreuter, “Daten das neue Öl. Wie verantwortungsvoll damit umgehen?”; Nibelungia Seminar Series, Darmstadt
(June 26, 2017) Frauke Kreuter, “The Future of the Federal Statistical System”; Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington DC
(March 7, 2017) Frauke Kreuter, “Collaborations between national statistical institutes and the academy”; Catholic University Santiago de Chile, Institute for Social Science, Santiago de Chile
(March 6, 2017) Frauke Kreuter, “Collaborations between national statistical institutes and the academy”; UN CEPAL Conference, Santiago de Chile
(July 6, 2016) Frauke Kreuter, “Survey and Data Science”; 3MC Conference, Chicago
(April 13, 2016) Frauke Kreuter, “WSS presidents lecture – Tailored Training for Employees of Federal Statistical Agencies: Looking Back and Looking Forward”; Washington Statistical Society, Washington DC
(November 26, 2015) Frauke Kreuter, “Data Integration – Applications in Survey Research and Official Statistics”; Research Seminar Economics, St. Gallen
(November 25, 2015) Frauke Kreuter, “Big Data”; Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg
(November 23, 2015) Frauke Kreuter, “Big Data in Survey Research and Official Statistics”; GESIS, Mannheim
(2015) Frauke Kreuter, “Training in Survey Methods Current Practice and Looking ahead”, Chile
IPSDS Project Products 2/ 2018–7/2020
1. Sicherung der Nachhaltigkeit
1.1. Datenschutz
1.2. Interne Kommunikationsstrategie
1.3. Business Plan
1.4. Kooperationsvertrag
1.5 Vorbereitung Zertifizierung und ZFU-Zulassung
Prüfungsordnung IPSDS, Rektoratsnachrichten Universität Mannheim Nr. 14 vom 11. Juni 2019
Prüfungsordnung MDM, Rektoratsnachrichten Universität Mannheim Nr. 10 vom 28. Mai 2020
1.6. Sichtbarkeit
1.7. Literaturapparate
2. Bildung von Netzwerken zur Nachhaltigkeit
2.1. Internationalisierung I (Vorbereitung)
2.2. Kooperation Statistischer Ämter
2.3. Internationalisierung II (Testphase)
2.4. Entwicklung Geschäftsmodell
2.5. Kooperation Maryland
2.6. Internationalisierung III (Kooperationsverträge)
3. Weiterentwicklung und Erprobung Curriculum
Übersicht neu entwickelter/
erweiterter und erprobter Kurse 2/ 2018 bis 12/ 2020 3.1. Ausbau Data Science
Übersicht Data Science-Kurse
Tracks des Mannheim Master of Applied Data Sciece and Measurement
3.2 Entwicklung von Kursen für kommerzielle Marktforschung und Offizielle Statistik
4. Erprobung
4.1. Externe Kommunikationsstrategie
4.2. Implementation der Forschungs- und Evaluationsergebnisse
4.3. Rekrutierung der 3. Testkohorte
4.4 Durchführung Forschungsvorhaben 1–2, Vorarbeiten für Forschungsvorhaben 3–5
Projektbasierter Kurs: Project Consulting Course
4.5. Weiterentwicklung der Evaluationsvorhaben
4.6. Rekrutierung der 4. Testkohorte
4.7 Durchführung Forschungsvorhaben 3–5 und Berichterstattung/
Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse Publikationen des Projekts
5. Informationssysteme
5.1. Informationssysteme I
5.2. Informationssysteme II
IPSM Project Products 8/ 2015 – 01/ 2018
1.1. Entwurf: Studienplan / Inhalte
Aktuelles Curriculum
Curriculum – Bereiche und Kurse
Online-Übersicht Kurse
Kursentwicklung und -durchführung 2015–2018
Syllabus Data Confidentiality and Disclosure Control
Syllabus Fundamentals of Survey and Data Science
Syllabus Introduction to Record Linkage with Big Data Applications
Syllabus Measurement Error Models
Syllabus Item Nonresponse and Imputation
Syllabus Multiple Imputation why and how
Syllabus Usability Testing for Survey Research
Interview Daniel Oberski 2016
Interview Daniela Hochfellner 2015
1.2. Beschaffung / Einrichtung IT
Equipment und Software für Videoaufnahmen/
-bearbeitung NAS zur Speicherung der Videos
Guidelines for Recording a Course for Online Viewing
1.3. Entwurf: Forschungsvorhaben zu den Forschungsfragen
Überblick Publikationen und Präsentationen online
Qualitative interview guide/
Start of the program Weekly survey (workload evaluation)
Qualitative Interview guide for an interview with course instructor(s)
1.4. Klärung rechtlicher Rahmenbedingungen “Double Degree”
1.5. Befassung der Gremien
1.6. Ausschreibung des Studiengangs für Teststudierende
2.1. Immatrikulation Teststudierende 1. Kohorte
Conncect@IPSDS 2016 Veranstaltungsdokumentation
2.2. Berichterstattung / Veröffentlichung Ergebnisse 1. Milestone
2.3. Abschluss Verträge “Double Degree”
2.4. Durchführung Forschungsvorhaben 1–3/5
Überblick Publikationen und Präsentationen online
Samoilova, E., Wolbring, T. & Keusch, F. (2018/geplant): Datenqualitätsprobleme bei der umfragebasierten Messung von studentischem Workload: Eine Mixed-Methods-Studie auf Grundlage von Learning Analytics und kognitiven Interviews. In Engel, C., Schröder, J., Großmann, D., Junkermann, J. & Wolbring, T. (Eds.): Studentischer Workload – Definition, Messung und Einflüsse.
Samoilova, E., Keusch, F. & Kreuter, F. (2018): Integrating Survey and Learning Analytics Data for a Better Understanding of Engagement in MOOCs. In Jiao, H., Lissitz, R. & Wie, A.V. (Hrsg.): Data Analytics and Psychometrics: Informing Assessment Practices. MARCES Book Series.
Samoilova, E. (2018): IPSDS Assessment Report #4. Post-course survey evaluation. (Forschungsfragen 5 und 6)
Samoilova, E. (2017): IPSDS Assessment Report #1. Flipping classroom in online courses for working professionals: challenges and opportunities for student engagement. (Forschungsfragen 1–3)
Samoilova, E., Keusch, F. & Wolbring, T. (2017): Learning Analytics and Survey Data Integration in Workload Research. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung. Special Edition: Learning Analytics: Implications for Higher Education, 12(1), 65–78
Samoilova, E., Keusch, F. & Kreuter, F. (2017): Wie kann man Engagement in der berufsbegleitenden Online-Lehre fördern? Erkenntnisse von drei Pilotstudien
Samoilova, E., Keusch, F. & Kreuter, F. (2017): Survey Nonresponse and Student Engagement in MOOCs
Samoilova, E., Keusch, F. & Kreuter, F. (2017): Integrating Learning Analytics, Survey Self-Reports, and Qualitative Data: Insights from Two Pilot Studies
Samoilova, E., Keusch, F. & Kreuter, F. (2017): Integrating Survey and Learning Analytics Data for a Better Understanding of Engagement in MOOCs. IPSDS Working Paper Series #02
Samoilova, E., Keusch, F. & Wolbring, T. (2016): Learning Analytics and Survey Data Integration in Workload Research. IPSDS Working Paper Series #01
2.5. Entwurf und Durchführung Evaluation
Überblick Publikationen und Präsentationen online
Qualitative interview guide/
Start of the program Weekly survey (workload evaluation)
Qualitative Interview guide for an interview with course instructor(s)
2.6. Erneute Ausschreibung des Studiengangs für Teststudierende
Auswahlkriterien und Formalia
Anmeldebogen II/
3.1. Immatrikulation Teststudierende, 2. Kohorte
3.2. Berichterstattung/
Veröffentlichung Ergebnisse zum zweiten Meilenstein 3.3 Implementierung der Ergebnisse aus den Forschungsvorhaben 1–3, 5
3.4 Implementierung der Evaluationsergebnisse
3.5 Durchführung der Forschungsvorhaben 4–7
Samoilova, E. (2018): IPSDS Assessment Report #6. Reviewing one year milestone survey results. (Forschungsfragen 4 und 7)
Samoilova, E. (2018): IPSDS Assessment Report #4. Post-course survey evaluation. (Forschungsfragen 5 und 6)
3.6 Abschlussbericht, Fortsetzungsantrag
3.7 Erneute Ausschreibung für Teststudierende
Auswahlkriterien und Formalia
3.8. Durchführung und Evaluation
vgl. 1.3 und 2.5 “Instrumente für Kursevaluationen”
Kreuter, F., Keusch, F., Samoilova, E., & Frößinger, K. (2018): International Program in Survey and Data Science. In König, C., Schröder, J. & Wiegand, E. (Hrsg.): Big Data – Chancen, Risiken, Entwicklungstendenzen, 27–41. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Samoilova, E. (2018): IPSDS Assessment Report #3. Assessing Student Success and Retention.
Pressemitteilung 2017
Pressemitteilung 2017 englisch
Pressemitteilung 2016 englisch
Die Rheinpfalz über IPSDS 30.01.2016
Campus-TV über Connect@IPSDS 2016, ab 1:35
Pressemitteilung 2015 englisch
Pressemitteilung 2014
Nebenbei zum Studienabschluss, Interview mit Prof. Kreuter, Mannheimer Morgen 21.01.2015
IPSDS YouTube-Kanal
Material für Lehrende