Zwei Frauen sitzen sich gegenüber unter einem Olivenbaum im Freien und arbeiten an ihrem Laptop

International Program in Survey and Data Science

Customized continuing education for specialists in the field of data collection and data analysis

If your job includes working with data and you want to enhance your skills in this area, the International Program in Survey and Data Science offers you a unique opportunity: Developed by international experts on the basis of intensive research, government sponsored, and multi-certified, IPSDS provides you with a scientifically based continuing education at the highest level. IPSDS graduates are perfectly prepared to tackle fundamental changes in survey and Big Data generation, integration, and processing.

Interactive Learning on your own schedule

IPSDS combines the best of both world: individuel, flexible online learning and rewarding intercation with small classes of motivated people from all over the world. We know that it can be challenging to combine continuing education with a full-time employment and/or family responsibility. Therefore, we have developed a flipped classroom concept that allows you to study at your own schedule. One weekly online-meeting with your instructor and class-mates enables you to ask question, discuss topics, and share experiences.

Benefit from our experience and reputation

IPSDS is jointly offered by the Mannheim Center for Data Science (University of Mannheim) and the Joint Program in Survey Methodology, a consortium of the University of Maryland, the University of Michigan, and Westat. In Mannheim, the Service&Marketing GmbH of the University of Mannheim takes over the administrative support.


Open laptop icon
ONLINE – Take advantage of the opportunity to participate in our completely online program from anywhere in the world.
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INTERNATIONAL – Learn from world-wide leading experts in an English-taught program developed according to international scientific standards.
FLEXIBLE – Only one scheduled meeting per week allows you to combine your education with full-time employment and family responsibilities.
CUSTOMIZED – Whether it's individual courses or an internationally recognized continuing education certificate – IPSDS offers customized and flexible options to help you achieve your goals.
DATA SCIENCE – Expand your knowledge of data science, from generation to analysis to visualization.
Foto of Prof. Dr. Frauke Kreuter, initiator of IPSDS

IPSDS connects students with various backgrounds interested in strengthening their data usage skills. Our mission is to provide an outstanding web-learning experience to tomorrow's researchers and leaders in the area of data collection and analysis, equipping them with the expertise and knowledge to use data in an ethical and secure way. IPSDS has proven to enhance our graduates' career paths as well as improve their performance and efficiency in the industry. We invite you to learn more about the exciting curriculum we have to offer.

Prof. Dr. Frauke Kreuter, initiator of the program / Credit: Laurenz Stammberger
Photo of Tatjana Schröder, IPSDS student

Holding a diploma in Business Administration, I worked as a Marketing Manager for five years and had experience in the field of market research. When I switched to an AI Manager position, I wanted to educate myself further and acquire the theoretical knowledge to be best prepared for my future job as a data scientist.

I am a mother of a 7- and a 10-year-old child, married, and working in an 80% job so my first priority when looking for further studies was flexibility. With the IPSDS, my family and I can easily match my studies with our daily routine. I can watch the videos and complete the appointments when it fits us best so we could establish Friday as my fix study day. Now, my family doesn’t just support me in my studies, I even realized that my kids are more motivated to do their own homework when we can study together.

Tatjana Schröder, IPSDS Student since 2019
Photo of Malik Hebbat

Since 2015 I am working at the Research Centre of Deutsche Bundesbank for the team that conducts a big complex household wealth survey. Besides my practical work, I was at every point in my life interested in statistics and analytics as well as in programming and computer science. For me it was a pleasure to find a program like the IPSDS, because I expected that the combination of Survey and Data Science could boost my skills to the next level. All my expectations are met so far. The ability of solving complex problems related to survey by applying well-founded survey methods and making innovative suggestions to the team to process are only excerpts of the possibilities that were offered to me by taking courses of the IPSDS. I would recommend the program to everyone dealing with micro data and is open for fresh ideas and exchange with an international community of competent experts.

Malik Hebbat, IPSDS Student since 2018

Our courses

Our courses are divided into five focus areas:

  1. Research Design
  2. Data Generating Process
  3. Data Curation Storage
  4. Data Analysis
  5. Data Output/Access

The wide range of courses guarantees that you gain a thorough understanding of the entire subject area throughout the program. On average, each study period (spring, summer, and fall) includes two to three courses that vary between four and 12 weeks in duration. ECTS credits are awarded accordingly.

All of our courses are taught online and in English. Please find our complete course catalog at the website of our operating partner, the Service&Marketing GmbH of the University of Mannheim.

Course catalog and registration coming soon!

Our faculty

IPSDS courses are held by academics from renown universities and practitioners from leading companies.

  • University of Mannheim and LMU Munich

    Thomas Fetzer

    University of Mannheim

    Thomas Gautschi

    University of Mannheim

    Anna-Carolina Haensch

    LMU Munich

    Christoph Kern

    LMU Munich

    Florian Keusch

    University of Mannheim

    Frauke Kreuter

    LMU Munich

    Helmut Küchenhoff

    LMU Munich

    Walter J. Radermacher

    LMU Munich

    Richard Traunmüller

    University of Mannheim

    Alexander Wenz

    University of Mannheim

  • University of Maryland and University of Michigan

    Christopher Antoun
    Heide Jackson
    Partha Lahiri
    Zeina Mneimneh
    Raphael Nishimura
    Benjamin M. Reist
    Jessica Vitak
  • Other universities

    Christian Borgs

     Universität Duisburg-Essen

    Trent Buskirk

    Bowling Green State University, Ohio

    Alexandru Cernat

    The University of Manchester

    Sascha Goebel

    Goethe University Frankfurt

  • Executive faculty board

    Christopher Antoun

    University of Maryland

    Jörg Drechsler

    Institute for Employment Research

    Florian Keusch

    University of Mannheim

    Frauke Kreuter
    Raphael Nishimura

    University of Michigan

  • Industry partners and Official Statistics

    • Ashley Amaya (Pew Research Center)
    • Manfred Antoni (Institute for Employment Research)
    • Stefan Bender (Deutsche Bundesbank)
    • Jernej Berzelak (National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia)
    • Hanna Brenzel (Destatis)
    • Piet Daas (Statistics Netherlands)
    • Jörg Drechsler (Institute for Employment Research)
    • Emily Geisen (Qualtrics)
    • Mirjan Kummerow (GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)
    • Marco Puts (Statistics Netherlands)
    • Benjamin M. Reist (NASA)
    • Jennifer Romano-Bergstrom (Google)
    • Joseph Sakshaug (Institute for Employment Research)
    • Gina K. Walejko (Google)
    • Stefan Zins (Institute for Employment Research)
  • Past faculty

    • Laura Boeschoten (Utrecht University)
    • Brian Kim (University of Maryland)
    • Carolina de los Angeles Casas-Cordero Valencia (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)
    • Heiner Stuckenschmidt (University of Mannheim)
    • Christoph Kilian Theil (University of Mannheim)
    • Jeffrey Gonzalez (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
    • Robert Fay (Westat)
    • Thorsten Meiser (University of Mannheim)
    • Frederick Conrad (University of Michigan)
    • Carolina Franco (U.S. Census Bureau)
    • Steven Heeringa (University of Michigan)
    • James Lepkowski (University of Michigan)
    • Louis Rizzo (Westat)
    • Roger Tourangeau (Westat)
    • Richard Valliant (University of Michigan)
    • Ting Yan (Westat)
    • Daniel Oberski (Utrecht University)
    • Jill Dever (RTI)
    • Mario Callegaro (Google)
    • Simon Munzert (Hertie School of Governance Berlin)


The International Program in Survey and Data Science (IPSDS) was initiated as a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in 2014 to establish an online study program for working professionals in survey methodology and data science. Tailored to the needs of working professionals, we offer a modular and multidisciplinary curriculum, a web-based learning environment with small class sizes and world-class faculty. All courses are offered as single courses or as part of an EMOS certified Master program. Core program partners are the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland (USA) and Mannheim Business School at the University of Mannheim (Germany).

IPSDS Research and Publications

IPSDS Project 2/2018–12/2020

IPSM Project 8/2014–1/2018

IPSDS Project Products 2/2018–7/2020

IPSM Project Products 8/2015 – 01/2018


Prof. Dr. Florian Keusch

Prof. Dr. Florian Keusch

University of Mannheim
Professorship for Statistics and Methodology / International Program in Survey and Data Science
A5 6, 68159 Mannheim

Tel. +49 (0) 621/181-3771