Welcome to the Mannheim Center for Data Science

The Mannheim Center for Data Science (MCDS) joins the University of Mannheim’s expertise in economics, business, social and behavioral sciences.

It is our mission

  • to further improve the understanding and value of data,
  • to explore the digital transformation of individuals, business and society using structured and unstructured data,
  • and to identify rules for the responsible handling of data and analytical methods for the benefit of society.

We want to enable innovative interdisciplinary research that understands processes underlying societal stability and change and addresses global challenges that are also relevant to local institutions and industry.

The MCDS sees itself as a platform to connect and reinforce Data Science related research and topics at the University of Mannheim and beyond. To this end, we engage in activities and foster science communication by regularly informing our faculty as well as the public  about new projects and progresses in the field of Data Science at the University of Mannheim.


Find out more about MCDS and its members.


Find out more about Data Science related programs and courses at the University of Mannheim


Get an overview of current research projects.

Getting involved

We are looking forward to working with you!

News at the Mannheim Center for Data Science

Lea Oberländer steht neben einer Stellwand, auf der das Poster des MCDS hängt.
Mannheim Data Science well represented at Informatik 2024 in Wiesbaden
On September 26, 2024, the Mannheim Center for Data Science (MCDS) participated in the Data Science Community Workshop: “Current Developments and Perspectives (at Universities) in the Field of Data Science” at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden. The workshop built on the ...
Werbeflyer für den Vortrag mit Titel, Ort, Datum der Veranstaltung und einem Foto von Meeyoung Cha
Prof. Dr. Meeyoung Cha delivers first MCDS Distinguished Lecture
The newly introduced lecture series “MCDS Distinguished Lecture” began on April 9 with a lecture by Prof. Meeyoung Cha. She conducts research at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in South Korea and will be Scientific Director of ...
Das Organisationsteam des DataFests (etwa 25 Personen) vor dem A6-Gebäude der Uni. Einige tragen das graue DataFest 2024 T-Shirt
DataFest Germany 2024 at the University of Mannheim
From April 5 to 7, the University of Mannheim hosted DataFest, a competition for students who want to demonstrate their skills in data analysis.
Giuliana Manganaro hält einen Vortrag vor etwa 30 Zuhörenden. Sie trägt einen roten Rock und eine schwarze Bluse.
What Survey Methodology and Data Science can learn from each other
Over 30 participants came together at the Academic Speed Dating event in the spring semester 2024 to discuss this and other questions and find out about current research in this field at the University of Mannheim.
DataFest Germany 2024 will take place at the University of Mannheim!
From April 5 to 7, 2024, the University of Mannheim will host a unique competition for one weekend: DataFest Germany invites students to compete in the processing of a previously unknown data set.
Collage aus Bildern, die die Aktivitäten des MCDS im Jahr 2023 zeigen. In der Mitte der Schriftzug 2023.
MCDS annual review 2023
Expanding proven formats, building new networks – this was the motto for MCDS activities in 2023.
Symbolbild für die Vorlesungsreihe
Lecture series Data Science in Action 2023: interdisciplinary and international
The second lecture series on the application areas of data science was included in the curriculum of the European university ENGAGE.EU as a “signature course”. This time, experts from Mannheim and researchers from the international partner universities took part in the lecture series, which was also ...
Academic Speed Dating in fall 2023 focuses on Text Data
This semester, the MCDS Academic Speed Dating focused on the topics of Text Data and Large Language Models.
MCDS represented at Informatik 2023 in Berlin
On September 29, 2023, MCDS, together with the Data Science Center of the University of Bremen and the Digital Science Center of the University of Kiel, organized a workshop on “Current Developments and Perspectives (at Universities) in Data Science” as part of the Informatik 2023 conference.