Data Science Insights

What role does Data Science play for researchers at the University of Mannheim? What are the research projects about? Interviews with researchers who provide insights into their work on the topic of data science are regularly published here.

If you would like to participate in the interview series, please feel free to contact us.

Giuliana Manganaro sitzt im Freien auf einer Bank. Sie hat lange dunkle Haare, trägt eine weiße Bluse und einen schwarzen Rock.
Giuliana Francesca Manganaro, Chair of Sales & Service Marketing: Marketing the organizational Purpose (August 2024)
In order to better understand the success of companies and individuals, Giuliana Francesca Manganaro studied Finance in Frankfurt (B.Sc.) and Philosophy in Mannheim (M.A.). During her studies, she focused on gaining insights into market and motivational psychology, which she is now deepening in her ...
Larissa Will steht vor dem Haupteingang des Schlosses im Ehrenhof. Sie hat Locken, trägt eine Brille und einen schwarzen Blazer.
Larissa Will, Mannheim University Library: Automated Text Recognition (OCR) (July 2024)
Larissa Will is a consultant for research data management and digitization at the University Library's Research Data Centre. She is responsible for advising researchers in the field of (digital) humanities with regard to research data. Her main areas of expertise include automated text recognition ...
Ruben Bach steht in einem hellen Flur vor Glastüren. Er hat kurze blonde Haare, trägt eine Brille und einen dunklen Pullover.
Ruben Bach, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES): New Data and Methods for Social Science Research (June 2024)
Ruben Bach is a research fellow in the Data and Methods Unit of the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES). His research is rooted in computational social science. It tackles questions of online news media consumption, AI-guided decision-making, and quality aspects of novel and ...
Rita Sousa hat dunkelbraune lange Haare und trägt einen hellgrünen Rollkragenpullover. Sie steht vor einem hellgrauen Hingtergrund.
Rita Torres de Sousa, Chair for Data Science / Data and Web Science Group: Early Stage Diabetes Detection with AI (May 2024)
Rita Sousa recently became a researcher at the University of Mannheim, working on the KI-DiabetesDetektion project. She holds a bachelor’s degree in health sciences and a master’s degree in bioinformatics and computational biology from the University of Lisbon. Her Ph.D. research has focused on ...
Tobias Rettig hat kurze dunkle Haare und einen Bart. Er trägt eine Brille und ein blaues Hemd.
Tobias Rettig, Research Data Center, Mannheim University Library: German Internet Panel (April 2024)
Dr. Tobias Rettig coordinates the day-to-day operations of the German Internet Panel (GIP), the longest-running probability online panel of the German population, at the university library’s research data center. He joined the GIP as a PhD candidate in 2018. At this time, the GIP was part of the ...
Klara Müller, Chair of Political Science, Political Psychology: GLES Long- and Short-term Panel Studies (March 2024)
Klara is a doctoral candidate in Political Science at the CDSS, GESS. She is currently a research assistant at the Chair of Political Science, Political Psychology and project staff at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (GLES Long- and Short-term Panel Studies). She holds a Master's ...
Ein junger Mann mit Brille steht vor dem Portal der Uni Mannheim. Er trägt eine dunkle Jacke.
Taro Fujita, Center for Doctoral Studies in Economics (CDSE): Causal Inference and Machine Learning (February 2024)
Taro Fujita is a PhD student in Economics at the University of Mannheim. He is interested in econometrics, particularly at the intersection of causal inference and machine learning. Prior to his study at Mannheim, he worked as a financial analyst at the Bank of Japan.
Fiona Draxler vor einer weißen Wand. Sie hat blonde Haare, trägt eine schwarze Bluse und eine goldene Brille.
Fiona Draxler, Professorship for Social Data Science and Methodology: Data quality in the social sciences (January 2024)
Fiona Draxler recently joined the University of Mannheim as a postdoctoral researcher, supporting the project KODAQS (Competence Center for Data Quality in the Social Sciences). She has a background in human-computer interaction and computer science. In 2023, she completed her PhD on context-aware ...
Laura Herzberg vor dem Schloss Mannheim. Sie trägt einen schwarzen Blazer und ein braunes Shirt.
Laura Herzberg, Chair of German Linguistics: Language corpora as digital educational technologies (December 2023)
Laura Herzberg has been an academic researcher at the Chair of German Linguistics at the University of Mannheim. In spring 2023, she completed her doctoral thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Angelika Storrer on the internationalism OKAY. Her teaching and research focuses on the study of ...
Philipp Kadel, Chair of Health Psychology: Social Media Data (November 2023)
Philipp Kadel has been a research assistant and doctoral student at the Chair of Health Psychology of Prof. Jutta Mata since 2019. Among other things, he is researching the influence of social media on eating behavior. He previously studied psychology at Bachelor's and Master's level at the ...